I woke up this morning to a loud as hell sound so im like what the ********. So I go down stairs pissed as hell and there's this lady running a vaccum cleaner around in my living room. She stops and says hey. I do the same. And I ask who let you in and she was like a man. And I saw who the hell lets you in ...... she's thinking.... i answer now it wasnt santa claus now was it??? And anyways I tell her well you can go back to the person who tell you in and tell them if they wanna wake me the ******** up a 7 am they'll find something missing or added in there house... I walk her out the door with some money... and then she was the nevours to come back a ring my door bell... And Im saying go home you know out the window cuz i anit openning my doors to a stranger. Then about a few mintues later when im all in my bed ready to go to sleep the door bell rings again and this time i feed up so i get my shotgun out to blow the s**t out of this women. I get down there open the door and c**k my gun and that b***h backs the ******** up and runs. And i go back to sleep. I find out that my dad let her in and he said cuz the christmas party was at my house and i was like oh s**t. Sad thing is that lady came back and she was just shaking the whole time she was here. Lesson learned dont ******** with my sleeping time