On the discorvery channel DUH they had this show about sex and like people that had grown up loving sex and then they were like sex in dreams and i was like s**t im that you know like when i was like maybe 7 or 6 young age i learned what do that nasty was and i swear i had dreams about sex and like having sex with people and intercorse and like humping things and jacking myself off and s**t in my dreams and honey they were real like in my house holy hell what if i have sleep sex???? no wonder i move so must in my sleepytime but that JERSEY SHORE came on a new one too so i watched that and missed that ******** show on discovery channel i know ******** my life but whatever
lol and your just now understanding this whoa like i sleep over at your house once in your bed and you started rubing my vangina but i thought you were awake but now thinking about it you were so knocked out omg you do have sleepsex haha how embassing