This is a little of my new story, don't read it if you don't like BL, though there isn't much in here. I just need to get this up here so I can get it at home. (Typed this on a school computer.)
I followed the other around, looking at his back the whole time, afraid of what I would see beyond. I could hear strange rasping noises from all around and figured it was others like me waking up. After several minutes of unpleasant walking, we came to a black metal door, which he opened with a large key, made, apparently, of the same material. He led me inside and I immediately sat on the floor and cried.
I cried because I was confused and sad, I didn’t know what was going on. I was scared. The other boy, Alex, was it? bent down beside me and put a comforting hand on my back, drawing small circles with his finger. I’ll admit I felt uncomfortable; I wasn’t used to this sort of thing, and it didn’t seem right for him to be touching me. But I wasn’t thinking straight, so I leaned on him and buried my head in his chest. I couldn’t speak for a few minutes, and when I finally stopped crying enough that speech was possible, I had nothing to say. He seemed to understand what the tears meant, and let me be.
“Can you stand? There’s a bed here.” He took my hand and helped me from the floor a second time that day. I looked around and, sure enough, an oversized bed was squished into one corner of the small room. I knew it was far too big for me, but I collapsed on it anyway and snuggled under the covers. Alex smiled and sat on the edge of the bed. “You look cute like that.”
“Umm, thank you?” Alex’s eyes grew wide as I spoke.
“You can talk?” His tone was one of amazement, though I couldn’t understand why.
“Yes, I can. Is that bad?” My voice was deeper than I would of expected, but then again, I didn’t know what most voices sounded like anyway.
“No, no, it’s wonderful! We knew you were unique, but to have you already know human speech… It’s a miracle!”
“Okay, if you say so…” I smiled slightly, and reached out to him. He took my hand and smiled along with me.
“You must be scared… Poor thing, dropped into a world like this…” He sighed and shook his head. “But we shouldn’t think of that now. Are you hungry?”
I didn’t know how to answer this question, so I didn’t. I tilted my head slightly to one side, and gripped Alex’s hand tighter. “Don’t leave… I don’t want to be alone…” Another tear slid slowly down my cheek, but he wiped it away before others could follow.
“I know, it’ okay. We’ll get you some food later.” I smiled again and closed my eyes. Even half asleep I could feel his gentle gaze upon me.
“Why are you helping me?” I was tired, and my words were slightly slurred, but I knew he understood me. I opened my eyes just slightly and looked up at him. “How old are you? Who are you?”
He laughed quietly and squeezed my hand. “You are curious, aren’t you? I’ll answer your questions backwards, if you don’t mind.” Alex pushed his black-rimmed glasses back up his nose. “I’ve already told you my name, but as to who I am… I’m your caretaker, your bodyguard and your servant. I’m nineteen, to answer your second question.”
I shook my head slightly. “No. You’re not my servant. I don’t want you to be underneath me. You’re on the same level, for sure.” I nodded knowingly and he chuckled.
“Alright then. How about I just be your best friend?”
“That would be nice… Now what about the other question? Why are you helping me?” I sat up slightly, all the sleepiness gone from my bright eyes.
“I’m getting there, be patient.” He ruffled my hair, and smiled. “I’m helping you because it’s my calling. You are all that matters to me.”
One part of me didn’t want to believe him; it was just too absurd. But the other half screamed that it was all true, this man was mine, and that’s what I eventually chose to believe. “So you’ll be with me forever?” I knew I sounded childish, but I was too tired to care.
“Yes. Forever and always.” Alex’s eyes smiled along with his mouth, and I noticed what a beautiful color green they were. I found myself blushing, which only made me blush more.
“Good. That makes me happy…” I closed my eyes and wriggled further under the covers. I was soon asleep, and didn’t hear Alex’s last few words.
“I’m happy too, love. And I always will be, now that you’re finally here.”
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RaNdOm stuff, as the title suggests. I believe this is all that needs to be said.
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"Darkness must pass
A new day will come
And when the sun shines
It will shine out the clearer..."
-J.R.R. Tolkien