You tolled me and promised me that you'd get me away from this man and i believed i trusted you and day that you passed on without me was the day that johnny clint died. I can remerber that day the day you dropped me off at school like always and we waved are byes would be last. As the bell rang i pushed everybody out of the way just to get the hell out of there but you werent there and then i saw him (my father) i sucked up all my emotions to even look at him but there i sat in his lexus telling me about how you died. Tears ran out my eyes but the thing was i knew he did it. Still to this day he does want to talk about it no answers to my questions simple ones. I never went to the funneal and dont regret it either. I wanted to remerber you by the way you were in my memories not in a casket burnied in the ground. But I still love you always and forever. See you in dreams and hopfully in heaven one day.