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Dotz Life
I am the journal of ii_eatdotz. That is all you need to know.
Previous Charity contest
0o1:Last post on Page 10 gets a 50k prize ^^
0o2: Fifth post on page 50 gets 50k^^.

0o3: Halloween contest:
- I love Halloween, and to celebrate it I decided to conduct a whole contest based on it! The contest is plain and simple, I will be posting anywhere from 5-10 glowing pumpkins in separate post. The first person to "quote" the glowing pumpkins wins an October 2009 Letter. You can only win the letter once, so once you have won please do not quote any more pumpkins. To keep confusion and cheating at a minimum the pumpkins will all be different colors.This event begins on October 31st,Saturday 9:00am [Eastern time] and ends November at 12:00Pm[eastern time]. So have fun with this contest ^^ and may the best quoter win. XD!

0o4: Grand Re-opening contest: First post on page 500 gets 150k, last post gets 150k.

0o5: Valentine's Day Event- I will be posting random hearts of a different color in different post.
1) For newcomers you must bump atleast once to win a charm/item.
2) You can not win back to back, you must wait for one round to finish in between your winnings to win again.
3) Have fun!

0o6: Resistenc3 Bump Contest- This contest has been postponed.
Bump 100 times and win 10k. You must label your bumps and only 1 bump per post. You can only win this contest up to ten times in one month. Which means if you go one whole month winning these 100 bumps 10 times, you can no longer participate until the following month. (if that made any sense LMAO). You can PM me or him once you have reached your 100 bumps.
0o7: Evil twin dot

Muahahaha, I am tired of being all cute and adorable on my own &.& So I am hosting a small twin contest. The winner wins 100k ^__^ The rules of the contest are as followed:
1) You must be the complete opposite of me&& My current avi is going to be my avi for the whole week for this event.
2)No items that I have equipped can be equipped on your avi (ex: I have on a pink Champagne dress, so yours can not be pink. It must be a different color.)
3) The avi can be as expensive as you want as long as it is Very similar to mine.
4) You must keep the avi posted up for a week until the contest is over.
5) You must find me a great avi artist to draw our art (this is for the winner, in order for you to win the complete prize you must find me a artist that chargers no more than 300-500k)
6) You must inform me if you are participating in this event ^__^.
This contest begins once the dump and valentine's day event is over.

008: The unmentionably wrapped love.
XD This contest is a continuation of the valentine's day contest, but instead of posting hearts there is going to be a tasks made for each item. (you can enter into all 3 contest)
Love hurts task:
I noticed a lot of you love tek-teking each other. So for this task dotz wants a tek tek of a new avi for her to wear. This avi can not go over the limit of 1.5mil (I do not want to waste that much gold on it)
Here is dotz base:
Info you might want to know
_I love the color purple.
_I hate plan avi's
_I do not like cluttered avi's
_I do not really like Ei's
_I love color coordinated avi's
If you are entering this contest please notify me, and PM all Avi's to me.
Love wrapped task:
Below I will post a few blank spaces and you guys must guess each letter of the sentence.
**The person who guesses the most letters correctly wins the love wrapped**
You may only guess one letter per post, and if two people post the same letters than the person who posted it first wins the letter. I will be keeping score.
1)T he 2)Open 3) heart 4)charity 5)Is 6) the 7) best! (guessed by chow)
The Unmentionables task:

The memory lane----
I mentioned a few post back that I was playing a video game with my brother. Can you guess what game I was playing with him?
Evil twin dot

Muahahaha, I am tired of being all cute and adorable on my own >.< So I am hosting a small twin contest. The winner wins 100k ^__^ The rules of the contest are as followed:
1) You must be the complete opposite of me>> My current avi is going to be my avi for the whole week for this event.
2)No items that I have equipped can be equipped on your avi (ex: I have on a pink Champagne dress, so yours can not be pink. It must be a different color.)
3) The avi can be as expensive as you want as long as it is Very similar to mine.
4) You must keep the avi posted up for a week until the contest is over.
5) You must find me a great avi artist to draw our art (this is for the winner, in order for you to win the complete prize you must find me a artist that chargers no more than 300-500k)
6) You must inform me if you are participating in this event ^__^.
This contest begins once all the page 1000 contest are done.

Page 1000 victory contest
I am proud to announce that my charity has been alive long enough to reach it's first thousand page. So I am hosting a contest for all the people who post on page 1000 (only for the people who post on page 1000, not posters of 1001 or 999.) This contest will begin once everyone post on page 1000 so I can determine the contestants. (please only post once, I will bump the rest until we reach page 1001)** with the exception of the final contest**
First contest: The Thief of hearts!
_Answer the following questions correctly and win the Thief of hearts.
1) A few pages back me and ressy were talking about a anime that I loved and spent a whole day watching it. What was the name of that anime?
2) Can you guess my favorite character. (you may use goggle to find out the character list)
Only one character guess per post!
_answer both questions correctly and win the item.
Second contest: Grim Reaper and Scarlet Rose!
_PM me to compete in this contest and I will link you to certain areas in forums that were created by me. Once you are done competing the task then you must PM me back answering the question that was in the thread. Each task leads to 3 routes, one route in which you can win, one in which you may lose, and the other where you may win a mystery item. I know this sounds very complex but you will understand it once it starts. There will only be three winners.
Note: You may only compete in this contest once, if you loose then that is it (do not PM me trying to compete again).
Third Contest: We appreciate you dotz!-This contest ends this sunday!
_PM me a thank you letter showing your appreciation of this charity and all that it has done for you. It must be at the least 2 paragraphs (5-8 sentences), and must have the Subject stated as "Thank you dotz!" After reading all thank you letters I will determine the winner. The prize is Lovely Petals. ** Note: Since a lot of people logged off before page 1000, this is the only contest that is available to all my regulars (you must have been posting for over 100 pages to be considered a regular) **