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Jules's Journal
Avi art, some coding stuff and actual journal entries since I don't own a nice paper journal to write in.
Quincy Profile
User ImageName ; Emi Yuzuki.
Age ; Twenty One.
Rank ; Captain.
Hair Color ; Auburn Red.
Eye Color ; Emerald Green.
Height ; 5' 4''.
Date of Birth ; March 19th.
Theme Song ; Monster by Skillet.
Personality ; Emi is the kind of woman who only does what she likes and takes little concern to follow the advice or suggestion of others unless they match her on an intellectual level. Though, she does extend the courtesy of making it appear as if she's listening to them, but inevitably she does things her own way. That doesn't mean she isn't interested in other people's opinions. In fact, she is quite interested in others because she finds their constant change and differences intriguing. Emi is also intrigued by anything that's beautiful, such as art, music and scenery. Even people. She has a cool and calm attitude and she takes pride in her logic and propriety. There is never a time where she doesn't look clean and prepped to her best. Because she likes looking upon beautiful things, she takes special care in her own beauty as well. By nature, she's charming and sweet to those who treat her nicely, sticking close to the Golden Rule, "treat others how you wish to be treated". That means if she's ever crossed in the wrong way, it's rare that she'll let it by without a vengeance. Emi also shows great devotion to her Squad and they are the only people she shows any form of emotional attachments to.

Quincy Cross ; Quincy Bow

Ability ;