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Dotz Life
I am the journal of ii_eatdotz. That is all you need to know.
Thank you dotz!

During my run on Gaia, I have seen the construction and destruction of many charity threads on Gaia. But, by far, yours is truly one of the absolute best. Rarely, have I seen, such compassion, desire, and an optimistic person. Which are all qualities that should be celebrated.

You go out of your way to make every person in the thread welcomed and loved, as if they're apart of our new found family. Never have I felt so at home in all of Gaia but once I entered your charity, it slowly began to be my home away from home; a place that I go whenever I need someone to talk to and to be listened to in return.

You're truly one of the most amazingly wonderful people in all of Gaia. Which makes me delighted to partake in such a lovely charity.

Sincerely yours;;
Smart Comment [aka Chow]

Dear Dotz,

Thank you so very much! You have given me things that I wouldn't even expect to get. I probably wouldn't even get them if it weren't for you dotz! <3 I know I'm not always in the thread but every time I do come in I always have a fun time talking with everyone! Gee I don't know what else to put!! ; A ;
Maybe I don't know what else to say as a Thanks for everything you've done because I don't always go in the thread? But I do know that's it's a great place and is always lively and fun to be at and I Thank you for that and all of the happiness you give to others rather than yourself
I just don't know how I can explain my thanks to you in words but I am really great full to you Dotz and you always give me a heads up on weather if there are some new events going on :3
Thank you so much dotz I love ya! <3
From Mika

Dear Dotz,
Where would i be without this Charity...probably lying in a dump somewhere. This charity has given me some of my closest friends on gaia. It has given me the willingness to qest for hard items and generally or in the the process of succeeding.It has given me a sanctuary that i look forward to visiting wherever i can after school. To Sum it up, this charity has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me in my gaian life.
How has this charity helped me personally? Well for starters i am a very timid and shy person. So by becoming a mod i got to step outside of my safety zone and became a leader. I am forever greatful towards the charity and for ou for helping me gain some confidence in myself. Otherwise i would have been another wall flower, resting in the quaint little corner. It has also taught me that there are some trustworthy people on gaia. By donating chunks of gold to the charity and getting reembured was amazing to me. I was very thankful that everyone was very honest and kind with eachother. i thaink that was something i needed because i have been betrayed and thrown aside alot while trusting people that shouldnt have been trusted. This is another reason as to why i am very thankful to have come across a pleace like Open Heart.
How has this charity helped me emotionally? Well whenever i am stressed or depressed there are always people to console me and to make me feel better about myself. As a critical woman, this support is very much needed and appreciated. At times i would not know what to do if i didnt have people to share my distraught and anguish with.
I dont mean to say that i am making them feel bad xD but as a female, expression of the feeling is mentally and psychologically necessary for a person to continue onto a sane path. So i am forever grateful and thankful that this charity helped me to be sane xD
Well anyways. enough of why i am thankful for how the charity has helped me.
There is one main reason why i am thankful to be apart of this charity and this community:: you. I have met my best friend through this charity and i will never let go of it. You are like a jewel that has become ingrained in my life. I will hold you forever close to my heart and i will try my hardest never to let you crack. You work so hard for this charity and to help people be happy. Constantly you are exchanging and earning gold. Sometimes i wonder if you are ever tired of it all. Your stamina and courage is an inspiration to me. and i am forever grateful to have you as my best friend. I could write forever and ever of the many ways in which you have touched my life. But i know that you dont have the time or the energy to read all of it xD

so i shall just end my spiel here and hope that we can remain friends till the end of time :3 and i hope i wrote enough xD
From Cubie

Dear dotz,

Thank you! You have been a very good friend to me during the 300 pages and more in the thread. This makes you have a very special place in my heart. Every day, I come on gaia and I know I can count on you for company and at most times, company from people in the charity. You have helped me get a great booty grab site to earn some gold in a day and you even gave me some memories in the thread that I will never forget. I would also like to thank you for the wonderful contests you had let me participate in which has given me some more gold for my quest. Some of the items you gave were really helpful like the love charm, the labu necklace, and the scarlet rose. I don’t know what I would do on gaia without you and your fast moving thread, “The Open Heart Charity”.
You have done so many things, not only for me but the other people in the charity. You’re so generous and have already given away more than 1 million gold to other people. Even though you are going back to college you will not be forgotten, but you will be missed by me and many others. I hope you will get some items for yourself because you really deserve it from what I have seen. And I know I will be in this thread for a long time. <3

Dippin Dotz

Dear ii_eatdotz:

I am not the type of person that writes letters, especially ones that thank them. To thank someone, I always write "Thank you," either halfheartedly or just thinking about what to say after the "Thank you." Sometimes I forgot why I even thank them, and sometimes there's so much to thank that the words just ran across my brain and got lost inside. I know that I am not going to get the prize, but whatever- I just felt like writing one for you. Despite all that, I have to say, from the bottom of my heart: Thank you for creating this charity.

Why? When I was introduced to Gaia, I really think it's boring- the games, the NPCs, and the website alone. I don't dare to talk to people, since I think that they count newbs as noobs. After making some money out of hard effort, I browsed the forum a bit, and found this thread.

Unlike the other thread creators, whom just sit there, host events, chat with the oldbies that was already there since page 1, let the mods do everything else, and ignore the newcomers, you did everything in your power to get more stuff for us (the people in your charity) so that we will have a big event and treated everyone and the newcomers equally. You don't judge people on how long they've been here, and I really thank you for that. Although you've deserved most of the stuff that you've given to us more than we do, and could have been a rich millionaire by now, you still host events so that we can get what we wanted.

Second of all, I thank you for creating this charity not only to give, but to house everyone inside it. I can share my feelings and what I'm doing. I was able to make lots of friends and chat with lots of people because of you, and I'm very grateful about that.

Thank you again for creating this charity and making it fun. Without it, I would think Gaia as one boring game I would never go back to no matter how much my friends nag me to get back on. Thank you.

Yours truly,
Hanbei (Or Tak by you)

Dear Dotz!
Although I might not be a member of your thread for so long I can always tell when people have the good intention of helping others. I myself have been a charity holder so I know all the hard work that being a host to something so big is. I can truly say that I was not as strong as you in keeping something like this going and maybe just didn't make that much effort to keep it going. Sometime I believe that the one that do the charity deserve more prizes than those that are there for the help. People like you take consideration of others before them selves and thats what make this world a better place (even if its online LOL).
I really do hope to stick around some more cause I would really like to get to know you better. I can see from so many devoted regulars in your thread that you are an awesome person and come on who doesn't like hearing some one else say that you awesome. The fact is that I believe that every one in your thread truly do treasure the friendship that you give them and the helping hand that you always show. Like them I want to know that generous side not saying that you don't have it hehehe. Well I sometime get off topic but I guess what I wanna say by writing this is thank you for the talks that we have had so far,thanks for your thread, and thanks for anything and everything that you do and have done so far.

Love Kitty