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Dotz Life
I am the journal of ii_eatdotz. That is all you need to know.
My thank you.
To: My open heart surgeons,

I really have no idea on how to start this thing, so I am just going to blurb out all these congested feeling I have inside of me from each of you.

1) Cubie: My well devoted Mod and newly made best friend. We met during the first few hundred pages of my charity. Many things come to my head when I think of you....laughter, excitement, A Panda Hat XD, and a friendship that would be connected forever. I can not begin to explain how grateful I am to have met you! All I can really say is that, it is people like you that make me happy to have made the charity in the first place. Although you lack in posting and engaging in conversations in the thread, you always have kept me entertained. I just want to thank you for your devotion to our friendship, and being a dependable MOd.

2) Ressy/ resistenc3: Wow where do I start with you love? You are amazing! Since the moment you showed up to my charity you have brung me nothing but smiles and joy. You have by far donated the most (actually if it were not for you most of the events would have been postponed). You were my true motivation to keep giving and giving and never look forward to anything in return. You have also given me a friendship that is undeniably real. If I were to know you in real life, I think we would have been the best of friends/ soul mates XD. I will never regret the day I started buying all those items from you in bulk at the exchange (I am such a exchange whore XD ). I think what I am trying to say is just thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for me and the wonderful people in my charity.

3) Dippin Dotz/ Mental Nightmare: My little bundle of inspiration (*hints: half the reason why I gave her a nickname similar to mine). You have kept my thread alive even at it's almost deadline moments XD. I still remember our first all started with you liking my username and saying that it reminds you of dippin dotz that you find in the supermarket =). Ahh good times...anyway there is a number of things I must thank you for. One as stated already for always keeping the thread a live, two:for always making new comers feel welcomed and wanted whether I am there or not, three: for always helping me make decisions on events and prizes, and four: for always making me feel special. Every time I post in the thread you are always there to welcome me back (even after I called you a stalker XD ). I see a long-term friendship coming out of this connection we have and I hope we can keep this connection and fun moments going. ILY!

4) Chow/Smart Comment: You are great! Even though you do not accept my donations the way I would want you to, I always loved giving you things. You are also one of my really old regulars....I think you have been posting before the first 100th page ^__^. Anyway I always love talking to you. You are so out spoken, and have such a strong personality, but I love both of those things about you. Although you do not post as much as everyone else does, when you do post it always makes me happy. Thank you for your constant support and devotion!

5)Dorki: You have been posting since page numero uno and you where still there 1000 pages later! I love you honey. For starters I want to thank you for that long term commitment you made to my thread. You are amazing! And you have the cutest post styles ever XD. Hrm, I don't really have the words to describe how I feel about you, I just know that your name brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. I love you hun.

6)Kitty/ Cherryberry-kitty: Aww your username is so cute XD. Anyway, you started off as just an affiliate and slowly progressed yourself into being one of my regulars! Although you do not post as much as I would like you to,since we always have good conversations, I have become attached to you and I hope our friendship will continue.

7)Tak: I don't know why but you remind me of the kid I never had but always wanted. We always have such fun RP moments, and you are soo adorable. Thank you for always bumping up my thread for me and always entertaining me.

cool Cooki monsteh: My bundle of joy! I love you soo much hun. I think we figured out you have been in my charity since page 100, and made a small voyage just to find out exactly what page it was XD. We always had our own little fun things going on, and I just want to stay thanks for that, and for being so devoted to my charity. You are an amazing person, and I loved giving you gifts since you always showed a lot of appreciation for it. I hope our friendship continues, I love you darling!

9) Star dust: Although you are not a regular yet...I feel like you deserve to be here for a a couple of reasons. One for always making awesome tek-tek's. Two for posting in my thread frequently, and three because you also have grown on me. I love conversing with you, and I hope we can soon make a friendship out of our small affair *wink* XD

When I made this charity I had no idea of how long it would last or the friends I would have made. I originally made my charity with no intentions of making friends, but with just the thought in mind of always gifting random people. So I just want to say thank you to all of you, whether you are posted above or not. In making this charity I have gained so many amazing memories that I will hold with me forever whether or not if I do come back. You guys have showed me the benefits of what giving comes along with, and as a friend, charity owner, and fellow gaian I appreciate everything you guys have done for me! && Hopefully I come back from Hiatus soon to see all your wonderful pixels again ^_^