If you pay any sort of attention to what I post, then you will have noticed that when you go to my Archive, a BUNCH of posts are marked as [JGG].
Think about it. What could it POSSIBLY stand for?
Well, before this account, I had another account called JazzyGotGame. I left that account and had it blocked, so there really isn't any memory of it except for the profile.
Suddenly, I had the best idea. So, I went through all the journal posts, and put all of the ones that still worked into ♥blitzkrieg!, 'cause I'm cool like that.
If you want to go through them all, I suggest you do it through the Archive.
Right-o, I'm going to bed. Much love.
P.S. - Yeah, I was feeling way too lazy to bold, underline, and italic the post, so I promise the next one will be loaded with it.
chai high · Thu Mar 11, 2010 @ 04:48am · 0 Comments |