Name: Reisa
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Sexual Orientation: Straight (can be changed to your liking)
Rank: Resident (can be changed to your liking)
Appearance: A delicate young woman with wavy red hair, much like her older brother. Though in her twenties, she retains a youthful appearance with a round face and large green eyes. Her appearance is well cared food, her hair delicately decorated with a flower and her makeup carefully done. Her clothes are fine and expensive, her wardrobe consisting of dresses purchased by "friends" as well as her elder brother.
Personality: Reisa is shallow, dramatic, and flirtatious. She loves clothes and money more than she likes people. Her only goal in life is to never work a day in her life and she will use people to reach that goal. Neither men nor women are safe from her charms. She will bat an eyelash sooner than she would try to understand a person. Her expressions and mannerisms are highly dramatic and hinted with sarcasm. She is a good actress, using these dramatic mannerisms to worm and charm her way into the hearts of others, all a way to get something eventually.
She has also claimed she has no ability to love other people besides herself, though she cares deeply for her siblings and her nephew. Her greatest strength is her sense of honor and loyalty. It takes a lot to worm ones way into this lady's heart, but if someone manages to do it, there is virtually nothing they could do to be rid of her.
Surprisingly, she likes children, that is until the puke/drool/snot over her and ruin her clothes.
History: Reisa is the youngest child in the family, being five years younger than Faris and 11 years younger than Fareid. Being the baby, she was the spoiled one, especially because of her gender. Growing up constantly coddled over made her grow into a selfish and bratty child. The only ones who could contain her nature were Fareid and Faris.
Reisa faced many difficulties when she was only four. Fareid had married and would not longer have all the time in the world to play and scold with her, and Faris (at 14) had been searched to go to Fort. Horribly distraught at their parting, the only consolation was that her tears made her parents spoil her even more.
Now at 22, she has not worked a day on her life, living a life of dependence on her parents (who continued to spoil her) as well as many men of the hold who treat her desires. There was one man whoever, who would not give into her charms, much to her dismay and as she perused him, he finally snapped on her. Humiliated and insulted, her lack of work-ethic shoved into her face, she decided that she was going to shove off on her own, start anew, and do something with her life. What she failed to realize was she was only doing it to get his attention and get him to love her.
Of all the places to choose she decided upon Telgar. She had not seen her brother in 7 years since the passing of Vianna. Badgering her elder brother Fareid, they both departed for Telgar. The Weyr however, probably was not going to be getting a helping hand with Reisa. Though she certainly decided to make a new start, she has yet to really prove her willingness to change. She is the same as ever.
Pet(s): None
Other: Fareid and F'ris are her older brothers, while Favian is her nephew.

Name: Fareid
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Rank: Visitor, may become a permanent resident
Appearance: Unlike his siblings, Fareid inherited his father's raven locks, though the texture is still curly like theirs. His eyes are slender and from a distance appear to be gray, but are actually green like his siblings'. His choice in clothing is uniformly dark, even at cheerful events like gathers and such. His expression is usually dark and calculating and at this moment, he cannot smile.
Personality: Fareid cannot be described as being a nice person. He is purely logical, his emotions locked deep away. Even when it comes to his siblings, he would only assist them if it somehow benefited him. He is known to buy his sister dresses but only because she swore to pay him back with interest, which he updates frequently. Fareid's lack of caring makes him the perfect candidate to settle arguments and he gives good advice, though he tends to belittle others and will often end his advice with, "but in your case, I wouldn't bother."
His outlook on life is bleak and it would take a superior person to make him gain interest in anything or draw him away from his hateful nature. Fareid used to be a considerate happy person, but dark events in his past changed him into the brooding cold man he is today.
History: Fareid was the first child born into the poor family at Tillek. His parents adored the wide-eyed dark haired boy, who strode quickly into any challenge that met him. He grew into a strong leader in his band of friends, taking the blame for their shenanigans as well as constantly coming up with new games to play. Five years older that Faris, he found the greatest comfort with his younger brother though he more often than not, was around children his own age. The brothers were close in their youth, but once Fareid grew older his focus shifted to more adult things, and the brother's began to grow apart.
At 20, Fareid married. A few weeks later and his brother was searched. Fareid was insanely proud of his younger sibling and found himself to be a little jealous. There was nothing wrong with it and they were able to give each other quick good lucks and understanding goodbyes. It took two entire turns before the brothers would meet again, Fareid met with the surprise that his brother had actually impressed a bronze of all things. Even more to his surprise was that Vianna, the young lady of Tillek, had agreed to be F'ris wife despite the fact that F'ris would have no choice but to sleep with the riders of the dragons his Ikadith caught.
It hardly mattered, it wasn't his concern. He lost touch with his brother two years after the birth of his nephew, as F'ris had retreated far from Fort Weyr in order to reside in Telgar with his son. Fareid went on living his life, for the most part, separate from his spoiled sister and rider brother. Soon however, his peaceful life was disrupted by the plague. His beautiful wife died painfully from the disease. It utterly destroyed him. He could no longer bear to stand the sight of his children, whose faces reminded him too much of what he had lost. There were others who could take care of them and son, Fareid was left utterly alone by his own choice.
Fareid became a heartless man, wondering from woman to woman in a faint attempt to feel supported and cared for again. Nothing worked for him and he became notorious for his activities and rumors spread that besides his two children, there were others who had been born out of wedlock. He didn't care. He did not delve into the rumors. Those children were no longer any concern of his.
His sister, coming to him in a distraught panic recently, begged him to take her to Telgar. Why Telgar, just because F'ris was there? She promised him money from some job she would take on once they got there. So he did, seeing as it would benefit him one way or another. So there is Fareid, a visitor in Telgar who has not decided if this is going to be a permanent residence or if he will return to Tillek. His staying in Telgar seems more beneficial than returning. There is no reminder of what he lost there, nor would he ever have to see the faces of his children again. Still, his heart is faintly connected to his home. Only time will sway his decision.
Other:Faried is the older brother of F'ris and Reisa, as well as the Uncle of Favian, whom he avoids.
It's rather simple actually. All I personally want to know is how you'll be playing my character. Just send me a quick sample of how you'd play this character. AKA, a roleplay post. If you can't come up with anything to write, how about the character you're applying for interacting with one of your own?