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Brandon's Occasional Life Log
o -o... 'Nuff Said.
Hey guys, I'm back.

I know I haven't been doing as much art as usual, but it takes time, you know?
And motivation. Don't forget that.
I'm barely ever motivated. > _>;

Well anyways, do not despair. I'm still working on my manga. It'll be in by May 3.

And now for some other news...

I've noticed the sprout of artists here on Gaia, mainly in the art arena. Their works are also great, but when I release my own here, I predict that mine may not be as hard-hitting. So instead, I'll be posting them on Deviant Art and my Blog which you can find here.

Please follow me. . w.By the way, if you're wondering where I went this whole time, I was playing Midnight Club Los Angeles on the PS3. If you have it, hit me up. I'm HYPERTiX.
