When I commented about the disclaimer, I wasn't kidding. This will be added to the links that can be found in the ♥blitzkrieg! panel of my profile.
000.0 general.
001.0 ♥blitzkrieg! takes into account the respect and privacy that people deserve. No names are mentioned, unless there is an exception. Exceptions include 001.1 Shoutouts
002.0 All who read ♥blitzkrieg! can be assured that everything written is the honest truth at the time that it is written. If events change, that is not the responsibility of the writer. The text underneath the title clearly says, "tellin' it straight since oh-eight" and this is a motto the writer has kept the whole time she has been writing.
003.0 Readers must understand that in the country this writer lives in, there's something called 'freedom of expression'. This means that she is allowed to write what she wants. She can express and write 003.1 opinions 003.2 thoughts 003.3 feelings 003.4 views 003.5 stories all without having consideration for what readers think of them.
004.0 ♥blitzkrieg! is not responsible for any 004.1 bodily harm that a reader may self-inflict upon reading any given entry in this journal. 004.2 trips to the asylum as a result of reading any given entry in this journal
005.0 ♥blitzkrieg! does not take feelings into account where it is not due.
006.0 ♥blitzkrieg! will not take down posts without due reason.
007.0 If a person would like to ask something of ♥blitzkrieg!, whether it is a question, request, or suggestion, they must fill out a form/ticket. This form/ticket can be found as one of the links in the ♥blitzkrieg! panel of the writer's profile. 007.1 If a request is made without the use of a form, the request will not be taken into consideration. 007.2 You must fill out the appropriate form/ticket. 007.3 Follow all the instructions.
sub-sections of ♥blitzkrieg!
100.0 [r] = rants.
101.0 ♥blitzkrieg! must inform readers that rants are written at the time of an incident. They are meant to be an outlet to vent.
102.0 Rants are meant to express sincere, and raw honesty about how the writer is feeling at the time they write it.
200.0 [l] = letters.
201.0 Letters are written on a 'letters written, never sent' basis. This means that 201.1 Letters do not include names at all, unless there is an exception (see 001.0) 201.2 They are meant to express the writer's feelings towards the person she has in mind while writing. They are not toned down to appease those who read it.
300.0 [dl] = ♥dramallama!
301.0 ♥dramallama! is written like a gossip magazine. Simply put, it is an observation of people and their behaviour.
302.0 ♥dramallama! is not responsible for anything written that was not meant to be said.
303.0 The writer knows the boundaries. She will not 303.1 write about things entrusted to her specifically 303.2 write about things that no one is meant to know
When this disclaimer is edited, there will be a notification posted in the ♥blitzkrieg! tab.
chai high · Thu Apr 15, 2010 @ 06:27pm · 0 Comments |