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Dabbles, Rambles, and Rants
For when I need to just ramble about something. Or when I just feel like dabble some poetry or stories.
What lovely spring night this is..
Dear Readers,

Well let's see, it's 4:15am on Thursday April, 29 2010, and I am sitting through our first big(ish) snow storm since November. The skies are red and the ground is white, and my lights just flickered; lovely. I wish that we had nice weather like this all year round, and please if there is some sort of all-mighty up there don't take this literally for it is pure to the bone sarcasm.

It has been snowing since before I woke, which I might add was pretty late. I am tired but at the same time I am incredibly restless, and suspect I am going to become an Insomniac if I keep this up. But I suppose that's life.

Well If your still with me after a whole paragraph of pointless, off-topic ranting then; bravo I suppose. You have a higher attention span then me. When I was younger: say before I turned 8, I thought the idea of all four seasons in a day was awesome. But now I have learned to adjust to how horrible it truly is. I don't mind all four seasons in a day, but I would enjoy all four seasons spread out evenly throughout the year like it's suppose to be.

I have my radio almost blasting, well to my parents ears anyways, to me it's almost muted. And I really wish they would play a song I actually like, which might in the very least make the storm more bearable.

Well, I suppose there is nothing left to say; so I bid you Adieu.

Yours Truly

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