Total Value: 7,501,530 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
*Dead Sexy Rose Skull Pin
*White Cross Belts
Shadow Spirit
Dark Elf's Aura
*That Black 90s Top
*Those Black 90s Gloves
Azrael's Shadowgear
Guitar of Demona
Space Pirate
Bellissimo Pianoforte
*Dark Halo
*Silver Half-Framed Glasses
White Body Dye
Purple Tam Beret
*SKA wristband
Prince of Thieves

Total Value: 30,232,123 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Wed to Darkness
Death Whisper (6th gen)
*Nitemare Sash
*Dutiful Butler's Black Shoes
Bellissimo Pianoforte
*Wingding (phase one)
*Dutiful Butler's Purple Vest And Shirt
Death Whisper (13th gen)
Death Whisper (13th gen)

Total Value: 10,730,967 Gold, 6,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Jinxi's Charm
*Native American Turquoise Beaded Bracelet
*Native American Turquoise Beaded Bracelet
*Black Fold-over Socks
*Black Tennis Shorts
Compass of Seidh 6th Gen
Card Shark Bands
*Green Glove Shoes
Green Heartstring
*Simple Green Skirt
Shadowlegend 4th Gen.
*Prisoner's Ball and Chain
*Green V-Neck T-Shirt
*Louie's Emerald Vest
The Case of Pietro
*Nitemare Sash
*Black Ops Gear
Masquerade 7th Gen.
Sibyl's Incantation
Horns of the Demon

Total Value: 13,046,472 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gogh Reed
Horns of the Demon
Nartian Star
Yemaya's Pearl 8th Gen.
*Shoes That Have Kicked Many A Butt
Azrael's Shadowgear
Compass of Seidh 5th Gen
Lyndexer's Journal 4th Gen.
Demonic Armor
*Dashing Gentleman Amethyst Sash
*Black Vest
*Blacklight Ribbed Shirt
*Nitemare Sash
Masquerade 7th Gen.
Oculus Mythica
Compass of Seidh

Total Value: 2,753,531 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
SDPlus #131 G-Corp Labtech Doll
*Black Skeleton Gloves
Black Heartstring
Hidden Ace
*Grass Green Top Fleece Vest
Metal's Last Hope
*Dashing Gentleman Forest Shoes
Keiongaku Style
*Radioactive Apocaripped Pants
*Green Wool Top
Signal's Cape
*=bought ...Help with rest :3