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It's all about...KEY25!!
How key25 join organization 13 (part2)!
me: sweatdrop sorry! its been a while. i even forgot i had a story on here. if any one is reading this please pm and tell me what you think, because i might have to move my story to quizilla or some other website if that's the case.

so anyway, xd lets continue...
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*I looked up at the dark skinned man.He wore the same black coat as vexen, but his eyes were the color of gold and he had long silver hair. In my point of view, since it was the afternoon, i thought his hair was gray.*

key25: what did you call me?

*he smirked at my question*

xemnas: what do you think i called you?

At first i couldn't believe this man was even related to me, because he looks so much different in the picture my mother had showed me.His hair and eyes were black in the picture. He didn't have silver hair or golden eyes, but now that i think about it.. that picture had been taken many years ago before i was even born.

*he slowly descends until he reaches the ground with one arm tightly around me*
*he looks at me with a concern look*

xemnas: =( do you not recognize me?

Vexen: pardon me lord xemnas, but it was been more than 15 years since you seen her and that devilish woman.

*xemnas glared at vexen*

Xemnas: leave us...

Vexen: but my lord..

Xemnas: leave he said in his deepest voice with a piercing glare.

*vexen grins*

Vexen: yes lord xemas .. i do have other matters to attend to, so i will be leaving now.

* a black/purple hole opens up behind vexen*

*vexen walks through the portal*

*the portal disappears*

Xemnas: key..

key25: eek

Xemnas: T.T don't look like that

key25: eek

*xemnas sighs*

Xemnas: you act just like your mother when she first meet me

* I released myself from his arm*

key25: you must have the wrong person

*he stares*

key25: scream why would my father be into cosplay?! scream MY GOD! THE ANIME CONVENTION IS NEXT MONTH! NOT TODAY! I appreciated that you saved me from your friend, but you can't go around calling everyone you know your family! There's a police station 1 block from the school if you need help finding your daughter-

*xemnas chuckles*

Key25: O.O? what..

*Xemnas laughs*

key25: scream WHAT SO FUNNY?!!!!!!!!!!!

xemnas: do you honestly believe I'm some random stranger that doesn't have a life of its own that parades around cos playing and abducting clueless little girls like yourself???

key25: i don't know about the clueless part but >=D everything else is true!


Xemnas:..........i would've killed you if you were a boy

key25: huh?

Xemnas: what?

key25: what did you-

Xemnas: huh?!

key25: scream CUT IT OUT!

xemnas: why?

Key25: O.o? what?

xemnas: huh?

key25: stressed ......rrrrrgghhh!!!

*xemnas laughs*

xemnas: your mother..* he smiles and looks down at the ground* hasn't said anything about me..has she?

* he closes the gap between the two of them and bends down on one knee*

*he reaches into his pocket and grab a piece of paper*

*the paper is a picture of a woman, and two men in lab coats*

"why?..why is he showing me this?!" she thought.

*she looked at the picture more closely*

In the picture was this man, her mother and the professor who taught her mother everything that had to do with science.

*suddenly a piece of yellow paper drops out of xemnas coat pocket*

xemnas:'s the letter I've wanted to send you-...* he stops*..key?

*tears fell as she stared at the letter*

*she tried to reach for it but her vision became blurry*

*he put both his hands on her face and wiped away the tears that kept streaming down..but there were to many*

*every time he would wipe one away another came*

*she used her hands to wipe them away,but that only created more*

*he embraced her. Her face was against his chest, her arms tightly around him, and her fingers griping his coat*

she wanted to say something as tears fell against her lips.. a few words..HELL! ANYTHING WOULD DO AT THIS POINT..but if she said anything she thought, he wouldn't understand one would..not even herself.

*xemnas kissed her forehead and stroke her hair*

After a minute she looked up. she realize she wasn't outside anymore.She was on his lap and he was sitting on a white couch. The whole room was white even the furniture, the walls,except for the glass tables, the floor and the gigantic windows that showed this O.O! HUGE Golden heart about the size of a planet hanging a few yards outside of the window!



key25: !.! where am i?

*he grins mischievously*

xemnas: welcome home

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