You are the Bane of Stars in the Land of Repetition and Alloy. Your chumHandle is forgottenGuitarist
Your interests include WARFARE and SCIENCE. Your wield the diceKind specibus and have combined your YAHTZEE DICE with your GHILIE SUIT and TESLA COIL to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are brazen indigo wolves who like stories.
ADEN Serres (M)
You are the Foe of Wealth in the Land of Neon and Magma. Your chumHandle is darkScribbler
Your interests include GAMBLING and IMMATURITY. Your wield the screwdriverKind specibus and have combined your POWER SCREWDRIVER with your ROULETTE WHEEL and TEDDY BEAR to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are joyful fuschia canaries who like money.
PETA Collin (F)
You are the Monk of Caste in the Land of Insanity and Waves. Your chumHandle is goldenSampler
Your interests include COOKING and ART. Your wield the grenadeKind specibus and have combined your SMOKE GRENADES with your COOKING FOR DUMMIES and GIGER PAINTING to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are gullible magenta bats who like knowledge.
ZENA Tullis (F)
You are the Thane of Touch in the Land of Bronze and Dawn. Your chumHandle is temporalRavager
Your interests include ARCHAEOLOGY and GAMBLING. Your wield the wandKind specibus and have combined your TWIG with your TOY SOLDIERS and PLAYING CARDS to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are neurotic steel grey squids who like art.
THAD Jarret (M)
You are the Bane of Soul in the Land of Intimidation and Iron. Your chumHandle is hotbloodedSwordsman
Your interests include LITERATURE and GAMBLING. Your wield the projectileKind specibus and have combined your SHIRUKENS with your THE ALCHEMIST and POKER CHIPS to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are blithe pearl white giraffes who like science.
You are the Sage of Self in the Land of Heat and Rain. Your chumHandle is passiveAquarium
Your interests include SPORTS and VIDEO GAMES. Your wield the gloveKind specibus and have combined your GLOVES with your BASEBALL GLOVE and THE ORANGE BOX to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are uncoordinated silver racoons who like art.
KRIS Abiba (M)
You are the Monk of Oath in the Land of Storm and Quakes. Your chumHandle is yesterdaysPopsicle
Your interests include PALEONTOLOGY and ARCHAEOLOGY. Your wield the hammerKind specibus and have combined your HAMMER with your T-REX TOOTH and TOY SOLDIERS to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are forgetful sky blue hamsters who like mining.
PACE Greene (M)
You are the Foe of Soul in the Land of Tents and Advertisement. Your chumHandle is sapphireOdyssey
Your interests include META and COOKING. Your wield the scytheKind specibus and have combined your SCYTHE with your CON-AIR BUNNY and TOASTER to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are irrational olive green cats who like dancing.