I hate Naruto and Bleach..
They are trying to be DBZ so much it hurts.
Honestly Imma start hatin' on anyone who likes those two.
The level of uncreativeness is so high that my little brother actually called Naruto
DBZ the other day after watching an episode of it!
At least Bleach TRIES to not copy, it fails to do so, but it still tries...
Naruto on the other hand only needs to rename a few moves to be a literal DBZ copy(a bad one).
I think unoriginality shall be the death of Anime and Manga as we know it.
I consider those two the Justin Beiber of Anime/Manga. 'Nuff said.
Shiki the Forsaken Prince · Thu Sep 22, 2011 @ 07:57pm · 0 Comments |