The following story is based on true event's that happened in my life.
This story is property of Whitney Ward and none other, so no steeling.
Anyways, back when I lived in a house in Attalla Alabama some weird occurrences happened within my bed room.For almost two weeks I dreamed of my own death.Which was awkward to me but I got use to that.Then once those dreams stopped I started seeing ghostly figures within my room.At first I thought it was just my active imagination, then soon I realized it was anything but that.Often times after I awoke from bed my throat would hurt and I discovered I had bruises.I didn't tell my mom because I didn't want her to worry.So, in order to cover my neck up I wore a choker.After some time at night in my room things became even worse.At one point I seen arms come out from the wall behind my bed.The arms grabbed me suddenly which was shocking.I let out a quiet yelp of the words stop it then the arms returned into the wall.I don't know why this happened.Yet their was one thing for sure I'm sure glad that ghost listened to me.From that point on their were still ghost occurrences but just not as violent.Which left me feeling at ease.Sadly though my mother was behind on the house payments so, we had to move into my granny's house.Which happens to be over 100 years old.I admit I did worry for angry souls at first.Now I realize the only ghost here are that of my family.Which is nothing to fear rather feels comforting actually.So that's my haunting tale I hope you believed it was swell.
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