General Information:
Name: Zinaida Edyth Annadova. Alias: Zeda Ennd. Age: Nineteen. Gender: Female. Ethnicity: Middle-Eastern/Slavic. Race: Human. Occupation: Student, remedy shop clerk. Talents: Football, singing folk music, shouting, looking mysterious at work, and creatively cursing at people. Abilities: - - - Czernobog. A brilliant white-hot javelin of blinding light, it seems to suck the happiness from the world. The spear itself is hot like the sun and evaporates the moisture in the air around it, creating a searing steamy plume. The weapon also carries with it a miasmic venom that poisons and rots flesh, killing the immune system with an advanced necrosis. The Czernobog fade away after roughly twenty minutes if not in her grasp and are summoned at will, quickly materializing in a shimmering cloud of glowing pale mist. - - - White God. Breathes deep, shudders faintly, and exhales/exudes from her pores a thick white smog that stings the eyes and burns the skin, causing violent respiratory malfunction if directly inhaled. Expands to fill a vast area before slowly fading away and doubles as a smoke screen as well as a crowd control method. - - - Wholly immune to acids, drugs and toxins (Beneficial or otherwise), disease, radiation, paralysis, and so forth. Allows her to navigate her clouds without suffering the ill effects.
Weapons: - - - An old homemade Sten gun her boss inexplicably keeps under the counter at work.
Character Type: Dream Level: 3 Dreamer Type: Dreamer. General Likes: - - - League football. - - - Stylish clothes. - - - American muscular cars. - - - The Quiet Game. - - - Creative literature. - - - Nochnoy Dozor. General Dislikes: - - - People with no sense of style. - - - Western-Europe. - - - The tourist hipsters that occasionally wander into the shop. - - - Her sister's boyfriend. Or husband. Whatever. - - - People explaining things to her from an un-equal position. - - - Asking for help/apologizing/thanking. Relationships:Sister, Anna, lives in America with some rich businessman named after a girl. Mother and father died in Ukraine. Goal: To live on a deserted hill in a small traditional shop out in the countryside by the train tracks. Conscious Appearance: They have uniforms at her school.
Entering the Subconscious: Personality: Appears cynical and guarded but is emotionally vulnerable deep down. She's unmotivated and unwilling to move forward, barely a main character in her own story, she is a waste of massive potential and power. Not an easy person to like, but a very strong ally if you can get past her unpleasant personality.
In the Dreamscape, she's more or less braindead, seemingly moving on autopilot. She does frequently lapse in and out of a lucid state where her persona is unchanged from the waking world, but the moments are commonly triggered by emotional occurrences such as extreme pain, traumatic experiences, sudden starts, etcetera.
Biography: Born and raised in the Ukraine with her older sister by her mother and father. Sister met some soft American with a fancy job and a boat and a jet and ran away across the sea to be with him. Mother asks why she can't meet some rich foreigner, father asks why she doesn't get an education to become a bank owner or what have you. They send her away to Poland to get smart at a fancy school and get a job and get money and make herself of use to her family and society. Distressing situations arise at home and mom and dad are lost on the wrong side of a palisade to 7.62 caliber automatic rifles turned on a crowd. -through a public phone- "******** this s**t, man.. I just wanna play football and sit around drinking tea, not.. Waste time writing in books and dealing with people who've never heard of medicine. ******** Poland, ******** these hippie Germans, ******** you Anna (I miss you so much), I wanna leave here and come home. I miss mom and I miss dad... Why'd you have to leave..?"
In her dreams, she enacts cruel and brutal justice on battlefields where the weak and mistreated fight and die to those with so much more. At the time, it feels like an instinct; To mutilate and depose the unjust isn't something she desires to do, it comes naturally. The soldiers choke on their own blood and bile and the shooting stops, so she asks why the people are running and screaming and crying, and she realizes they are choking as well. She crests a small hill and sees a great green meadow with a small amusement park at the center. As she walks through, she notices things out of the corners of her eyes. They're foreign, yet somehow familiar. Pencil cases, a backpack, some charred silverware, a purse sitting on a rock. It all makes her feel at ease, but she can't ignore how sad she's suddenly become. Eventually, the park becomes a small alley, and at the end she can see a house, but it's too far away and her legs are moving so slow. She tries with all her might to walk faster and her body responds by walking backwards.
Other Information: Other: "Him are too greedy to pay my tuition bill. ********, wants me to starve, the a*****e." Themes: - - - Theme - - - Ghost World - David Kitay. - - - Battle Theme - - - Tank Graveyard - Paul Cantelon. - - - Sad Theme - - - Take Me Somewhere Nice - Mogwai. Puppeteer: Zeda Ennd. Creation Date: 7/1/2014
Zeda Ennd · Fri Jun 27, 2014 @ 12:44pm · 0 Comments |