Okay! I'm using what little time I have this morning to bring you the latest in the world of Izzy's dreams.....let's see...Oh yeah!
About a week ago, I finished KHII on moderate. Now, we all know I'm a loyal Cloud fan right???( if not, smile and nodd) Well, thgis dream blew me out of the water.
It was a peaceful day at Destiny Islands. June is hanging with sora and the gang. Except, Riku wasn't there. After about an hour on the islands, June returns home to the buisy town...wait a minute...City of Midgar. (sounds okay so far...right?) Well, it's not. Every turn June makes through the winding streets the city she swears she keeps seeing a boy in a hooded claok following her. She just shakes off with the 'I'm just tired'.
(by the way, she's got her own motorcycle, so...she's about 18...) anyway, so she pulls into the alley way next to 7th heaven. Once again, theres a boy staring at her. She jumps, "what the hell do you want??" the boy just walks up to June, and...well...takes out the little light she has left in her darkness incrusted heart.
so, Things happen and June winds up 'killing' Cloud....with the buster sword....Okay! And to make it more interesting, June was crying the entire time, like sha hadn't fully let go.
So,....what do you guys think?? A few freinds just shook it of, while one said there is a ending soon. So, what about it?
xXSamantha_RXx · Tue May 02, 2006 @ 01:01pm · 17 Comments |