The Alternative Universe Part 1 |
(A side story I never quite finished or posted! In need of edits but it still counts! ^-^)
The Alternat(iv)e Universe
I had shown up to school late again. I knew I'd regret it. But I slept in anyways. As a creature of the night I barely sleep until minutes before when my uncle wakes me up. It's bad enough that I have to fight the urge to kill and feed as it gets darker. But it is also bad that I never got the proper rest to be ready to take on the psychological torture that is another school day. At Catholic school no less. My uncle was downstairs reading the paper with a cup of joe and I was upstairs in my bleak black bedroom face down into my pillows and anime plushies. One of the times my eyelashes flickered awake but then suddenly I saw something...it was the time! 10 minutes before class! There was no way I could never be late so I threw myself together. I brushed my teeth pulling my stockings up. I skipped breakfast and I tied my hair up into a lazy ponytail. I put on a black corset waist cincher with red ties on my uniform and a LONG think vampires and wicca long black witch skirt with fishet gloves. I toned it down with my make-up today doing ultra thick opaque coal black eyeliner and undershadow for a baggy eye look and some thin red eyeshadow to match my clear red stockings. I had dark red lipstick made with real human and vampire blood. I did blood details on my eyes and mouth. I did a patch of bright red blush before skipping out the door with toast in my mouth carrying my satchel. I ran over there as quick as I could but I knew even teleporting wouldn't do S***. I was F***ed. I arrived held down. The class mocked and laughed and my teacher was furious. "You know, Little Miss Atarashi you have done this many times before." "How many?" I asked rhetorically. "38." He answerred with no hesitation. "Damn it!" I muttered. The Mega b***h Prom Queen and her buddies guffawed laughing at me and pointing. I blush and cover my face. "Detention!" He said slamming his book shut. I gasped popping. Then down yet again. "This could not get any worse..." I said with remorse about to cry. Then the loudspeaker went off "Today we will be checking for lice you all pass if you already had yours this year! All new students must be checked and quarantine as lice carriers! These people are Raven Atarashi..." He continued but I didn't let him finish at least not in my head. I gulped as limpid waterfalls of remorse and sadness and humiliation struck my eyes. Tears gathered and welled up in my eyes. "Haha! The little goth twerp is crying!" They said. "Scandal!" A Valley Girl said. Cameran Sloane was the one a gym prep on literally every sports team including cheerleading and school gossip columnist and the year book! She took notes. A mass text was even sent out like that dumb song. I sobbed like a child or an angel. Angels shouldn't cry. Neither should kids. It wasn't over yet. In a moment of hiding my face with my arm hair and hand I accidentally scratched my head. "Hahahaha!" Annette teased. "You have the disease, lame-o!" "No!" I shouted with my lip trembling. More kids chimed in. It was like Carrie. I had my hands to my face. Once again.
"They're all gonna laugh at you" repeated like a broken record in my head. I nearly headed into Vampire Mode if I did I'd break the school again. But I wanted to blow it all up so bad! But I couldn't let my demon powers activate. Even Demon Mode is a trickster not to be played with. It plays nice but does mean things and tickles and teases and uses black magic sucking life up like a succubus. V.M. kind of does the same but that collects itself with my split personality and ancient history. Two beasts but not one in the same and they would be uninvited. Like an exorcism. "Oh, look!" The leader of the tribe detected. The lint from the corner of my stocking caught onto the laundry I tossed onto my bed. And it wasn't a shirt or a sock...it was my panties. The red and black ones with Mickey Mouse to be precise. Lace too. Same colors as my outfit I think. "Ohoho!" The jock boys said taking a picture for black mail. High5s all around. It would be embedded in Facebook history from then on. It looked like I was wearing them and they fell off. "Slut!" They shouted and taunted. The teach didn't even stop them a little. He almost laughed along with them and I could NOT believe it! It was the loudest noise in the world and it practically melted my WHOLE brain! It was becoming so fuzzy. And dark and blurry like dirty glasses. I blinked my eyes sore. I tried to pinch them with my gorgeous soft and furry natural eyelashes. Rubies sparkling in my fiery glare what little I raised my head up to that zoo of a crowd. I knew they all hated me and everyone was against me like always...but I had never felt that alone before. I wanted to get a razor and cut. I felt my fangs almost come and bony black dragon anglel wings come out of my back. Something's gonna give! If I cried any harder I would cry blood like before and bleed to death. But it was no use! I had to! The torment was merely too much for me and my depression. I died on the inside and even kind of on the outside. But no one else knew the signs. I shattered like iron against glass and ripped into little bits like paper. I cooed. I tried to suck it all up but I clearly can't. I could not contain the tears. Whats worse is my bra strap was showing. I turned around in like my emo corner sulking and moping which caused them to point and laugh that not only did my panties stick to me but my other laundry too. Socks and a bra all static! That's when I had had it. I shook my head with some denial. Then reacted.I stomped my foot and screamed crying beautifully. Even my moans of pain sounded like an Evanescence song. Like a lovely opera note. I sobbed in front of them nearly tearing my hair out!
I was in a frenzy like everything was Fast Forward on a DVD! But it was like a trippy emo grunge music video. I had to get out of class so I did. I ran out faster than lightning. I ran out in sadness, cold, and fear. I had never been more embarrassed in my whole entire life which speaks mountains since I've lived over hundreds of thousands of years past life included! I can't stress this enough you see I was and am a ninja, a pirate, a spy, a warrior, a samurai, a monarch, and princess. I was depicted in photos and paintings when those things were new. It was before Apple products and Facebook too. I was even a curse and a legend once! As well as a demon. I was goth before people could even spell that word out. I was in a Salem Witch Trial and a couple of other things. But my pride was shattered. Before as a knight to my own army especially in the veil of the night as a shinobi assassin I cut humans and spirits and demons and angels in half with no sweat. Whenever I nearly committed seppuku I was given a task to redeem my honor and it never failed. This was different. Everyone knew everything and I couldn't hide all that so much. Even though those haters have minds filled with lies and I shouldn't care what they think but highschool is still really really hard though. Especially when you're an outcast like me. I was a goth, an otaku, emo, scene, and not even a human being. I had nobody but myself and I was all alone. More now than ever. I cried until my eyes cried blood. Crimson oil slicks on my face like melted butter or paint. I screamed dramatically as I cried. My emotions took me over again. Vampire Mode was about to take the wheel. I went from crying normally to a demonic tone. I screamed demonically. It was a siren song melting to the voice of a possessed dragon. Fire nearly flew out of my mouth. It was the energy of it like the bass in a rock song. I threw my arms up like Jesus on the cross as I felt my fangs. I was a martyr as he and tormented for being different too. It caused the school to shake. It vibrated like a vibrator. It had a bit of a hum come through with the white noise. My eyes turned full whites at times. An evil demon almost took over me instead! I cried in the hall all over the floor forming a bloody mass puddle. It was Satanic in nature and I couldn't stop it. Even if I tried...and I did. My magic makes these things even stronger and more rampant. I saw the shape of a dragon soul in fiery orange and red. I raised my arms up opening my eyes. I got a flash! I caught myself from levitating. I shut off the powers and snapped out of it forming an invisible aura. I shut it off as much as I could like a switch! It was practically a miracle! No being undead or otherwise could ever recover from that! I used some chakra to heal myself and restore the blood of my clan "NOOOOO!" I screamed. The red stuff and lights floated in the air and shattered like glass shards of fire. It was shooting out balls of fire too! As it fought back to my protective endeavors I used my special abilities to undo as much as I could. I almost damaged the whole school, the world, and space, and time again. I wish I had control or help.
I cleared all the earthquakes and crackles from the school with sweeps of my arms like wings fanning wind. I turned time back reversing the damage. I was putting out the spiritual fire and other hexes. My pain nearly called a summoning and some other bad things too. The blood pool was mostly my chakra and my spirit energy manifesting the torment in a way so savage. It was its own masterpiece. It showed my struggles so well yet so tragically and hurtfully. It was passionate and poetic in its own unique way. And I'm pretty strange to begin with. I crossed my arms out to shut all the powers off for now. I pulled myself together shaking and laying down. I was no longer crying blood or crying at all. I took a breather holding my aching heart and sighing. I stowed the panties away in my bag. It seemed like at least some of this medieval torture had ended. I felt like it was worse than prison.
Then suddenly...THE BELL RANG! Just as I was about to get up the students charged out. Annette strutting in. She walked up to me and said "Get out of the way loser!" Kicking me with a sharp heel. When I wouldn't give she walked across my back. "Argh! Ow! Son of a B**** that hurt!" I said in pain. I nearly blacked out again. I felt nearly staked in the heart and I'm a vampire damn it! It took a lot of power to do what I did be it emotionally in present and spiritually and on so many other planes beyond human understanding. It was that profound and special as I've noticed in becoming The Chosen One. I groaned rubbing my hourglass figure. "If only she knew real pain..." I grudged wincing all sad. "Like a vampire or a goth or at least something different...maybe then she'd get it."
Suddenly...THE OTHER BELL RANG! "Kuso! s**t kami-sama god damn it!" I cursed throwing myself together. I stood up to see what I could do. I got up and noticed my steel tipped combat boots stuck to some gum that was on the floor. I had dirt from the floor on me and heel marks all the way up my back! My @$$ was killing me! Plus my red and black laced bra was stuck to the back of my shirt everyone saw that too! Damn I should have just put it away like my mom told me to! I was crowded everywhere in every way. I jogged over to my next class. It was Science and that meant not only the mad scientist teacher Mr. Morgan (you know the dude that acts like the teacher in Daria) but also that stupid pink pixie glitter drug dumpster Annette was with me too. I came in with bags under my eyes with stuff in my hair along with gum on my shoe and dirt from the floor. I was in a chibi tired expression with gloom on my face exhausted from the run I was late to class yet again. I just about flopped to the floor. "Raven! How dare you disturb my class by your lateness!" The twitching teacher bullied me. "You. Don't. Understand..." I said with a big sigh. I panted. "Detention!" He shouted. "You disgrace!" He said flipping a table. Just as I raised a finger about to make a point I passed out and fell asleep on the floor. There was no way this could be real. I fell asleep. It had to be a dream, right? "FINE! FINE! IF RAVEN DOESN'T GET PUNISHED THEN I'LL PUNISH YOU ALL INSTEAD!" Mr. Morgan screamed crazy. The kids scream back as he gets out a whip. "I SAY PUT DOWN THE CELLPHONES AND ENTERTAIN LIKE THIS IS A THEATRE!" They all listened and quickly went to their assigned stations to dissect. Annette cried and flipped her s**t almost passed out in a diva kind of way but my crush Kira caught her so she shoved and slapped him and called him a peasant or something. What a snob. I got a good laugh out of the reaction she had after I finally had awoken in the class. Her tears were tastier than blood and the finest wine. Besides, I'm gothic. Gore doesn't bother me a bit. It was actually fun in a horror slasher kind of way! But then again I AM a crazed schizophrenic bipolar pyromaniac psycho deep suicidal weirdo. This is my normal. Proud to be weird and random and an outcast for life! I don't care what people think. I wish people were just more accepting of it and I couldn't be so alone. That's all.
I was asleep peacefully again in another class. From arms to stretcher to office. The nurses gathered around noting my angelic heavenly white cloud skin with the texture of dreams and silk. I smelled pure and sweet good like strawberries. One even touched my cheek not believing it. I woke up slowly fluttering my long red butterfly lashes the bright light from the all white room made my sparkling skin glare like headlights in the sun. I almost blended in with the background. Or even went blind! I got up. A warm cloth was on my forehead and my fringe was pulled back out of my eyes. I looked like I woke up alive after a long coma but not in a bad way! My thin swan neck and body were still weak though. A nurse eased me down. "No. Shh~! You need rest." I shook my head. I looked up at the ceiling with determination like a fighter. I laid there a long while since as I tried to power through and get up and do the strong woman thing but they would not allow it! Plus I kept passing out. I was finally actually as dainty and in need of a white knight as a real princess. I was as flowery as my looks but I had to work through it and overcome. It was strange and surreal seriously. I slept a little while closing my eyes to dream a dream of a dream that one could only dream of. I felt my eyelashes flutter and I knew I was still in the hospital in the nurse's office but I was in a prolonged state of dreams. I was lucid. It was like when I go inside my head and it's all dark and I have to consult Vampire Mode the princess I reincarnated from. Demons tried to and whisper in. I got chills down my spine. "What? What is this? What's going on?" I asked. It sounded like my words were muffled with water. I was standing in the deep blackness. I took a step. I was in a shadowy realm which was nothing but blackness only occasionally hearing voices. I stepped again. It moved like I stepped in a puddle. Demons that looked like Slenderman that had glowing eyes were looking at me. I heard more voices. It was like a combo of all the horrible things I had heard today mixed with words of The Devil. "They're all gonna laugh at you" "Slut" "You disgrace!" "Scandal" And all the pain I've had prior. I got triggered like my experience with The Duke. Then I heard the words "What do you want?" But quickly woke up. I nearly darted but was still hindered like from a war and left with a cryptic message. The nurse was at her desk. "Everything alright?" She asked bluntly. I tighten my mouth and nod. I get up light as a feather with stronger feet as if they were made of stone. "You passed out really badly." She said. I gave her a look. "You were only out for a little over an hour." She was tired from bandaging all those kneecaps. Before I could respond suddenly...THE BELL! "Third period. Think you can handle it?" She said looking into my eyes. I nodded again. "Please don't..." She pleaded sorrowfully. "I have to." I said. It was my duty after all. I wish I could do the right thing and choices and know my own personal limits.
It was English class another with that Queen Beach Annette and another queer teacher but instead of on meds she was an evil vile witch of a woman. Her words were venom from her hissing coiling mouth. She's fatter than Hell and sweats a lot so much so that it frizzes her hair. She looks like those chunks of hair you find in the shower. I'm no stranger to monsters spirits and beasts but she still really took the cake! What a fat ugly lard she was! She was like Umbridge from Harry Potter mixed with Ugly Betty. I was hurt, tired, and sore but I pulled through enough. I was a warrior from the get go and I have a fighter's spirit. I walked into class on time this time but almost late. That evil old lady looked at me. She gave me a glare that could poison milk. I sat in my seat opened up my bag and got my homework out. So did everyone else as she strutted the classroom proudly in those pink 'I can't accept that I'm 50' heels. And to think Annette has ended up worse before! I ignored her but could hear her when she was walking around. She hummed. "Ah, yes! Annette! My favorite student! A+ as always!" Annette smiled and winked. I stayed silent and cringed. Her fanclub and that nerd she pays did the work for her and even if she did she'd STILL pass at least this one with flying colors. It was Playing Favorites central here sadly! Just then she was right in front of me. Her hands were on her hips and she was testy not even 15 minutes into class. She swiped the papers right out of my hand. "Thank you, Miss Atarashi." She said meanly. I got everything on that test right and then some. Annette just pays people and uses her following for her grades and while teachers favored the popular types this still got in my skin a little. I could rant on this for years and years. "Raven Atarashi!" She screams redder than cherry soda. "What is this?!" Holding up my paper she yells. "The pr-project?" I stuttered. "YES! "THE PROJECT"!" She replied. Then I saw in her hand it wasn't just my grids. It was my sketches too. A lot of it was normal stuff I just doodle like anime and manga but she is obviously against it and me. "What is this perversion?" She said full of herself. Fiery. But like bad taco sauce. "A-anime..." I said looking down to the side shaking. "And why is this in your workbook?" She declared pointing at it. "I don't know...it just slid out on the way here..." I said sadly nearly crying again. I looked an innocent elf. Everyone was staring at me and ready to laugh like before. I shut my mouth as she spoke some more. "It's almost as though you don't care about your work-" "No!" I said sad with hands to my face being the victim yet again. "Oh? Is that so?" She said hands on her hips again. I let out a whimper. "Well then...we won't be needing this." She took the drawings out and ripped each individual one. Right in front of my face. My face got powerful red like Christmas lights. I sob regretfully holding my hands to my face. Those drawings took hours. They were colored and inked and some even laminated and pictures from the comic I was making. Every single panel was now snowflakes and sadness. I cried more on the inside. But I still cried a lot. Everything was a blur from there. Things faded again. I had to space out and tune the noise out of it. It was weird montage of nightmares and child abuse. My large pink magical crystal starry eyes watered with tears from a very long hose of sadness and woe. I could not stop crying. The only thing I heard from there was a familiar laugh. I knew it was only a matter of time before the whole school knew everything and stole everything. I hated it. I wish they would just go away or at least understand or something!
It was fourth period. The day was nearly done. That was a relief! My shattered womanhood and faith in humanity was fading sands in deserts and grey like slate. The world was a big dark room and I was the bright shining light they could not handle. They hated me for being different and that was more than clear from the getgo but still my feelings were very hurt. I was crestfallen like a dying swan. Quiter tears became no tears as my mind and body were simply too drained from it. My existence was Hell to put it lightly. Even that is playing nice in my book. That's why I crashed into slumber. Every breath was a sigh and every word was depressing gothic poetry. I wanted to sew my mouth like Clockwork or a scarecrow because I knew all that would happen with my mouth open would just be cries of pain and agony again. After eating lunch in the bathroom like in Mean Girls paranoid I at least savored some delicious goodies. Sakura jelly, sushi, ramen, onigiri, Yam Yam, Ramune, Pocky, and Hello Panda. I blushed at how nice the food was and even let out an "Oishi~!" The girl outside washing her hands just looked at me funny though so I stayed back to being a quiet fail derp instead. It was for the best considering my luck. I wish people were more understanding.
I walked slowly to class swinging my arms flopping them because I was tired, bored, and I'm weird and stuff. I was spacing out minding my own business until I hit something! Or...someone. Suddenly it was...ANNETTE! Like that one time! I apparently lightly bumped her. "What the Hell is wrong with you?!" She shouted at me shoving me. I could feel those bad white and pink nails get in my skin. I had surprised eyes. I fell. As I hit the ground getting up I was just glad I had a long skirt this time I said "Bloody Hell!" I stood up. I could not tell if I should tell on her, fight back, or ignore her. All of those options came with consequence. I made a mad face at her trying to calm down. I looked back down considering clobbering her or maybe even just another cry. My eyebrows came submissively like a bound uke. I had shyness. There was still sadness in my aching breaking bleeding heart. I could feel it with every fiber of my being. "That's it loser! I've had it! You and me 3 o' clock after school!" She declared. "You're dead meat!" She pointed. I wish the world were less violent and more caring. I wish I wasn't made to be a victim for no reason and get treated like crap and stuff. I can't stop wishing!
After taking a step back and almost asking "Nani? (What?)" I checked my Toki Doki cellphone. It was 4 minutes to class and I could not sacrifice it again. I rushed in and sat fastly in my chair. It shook and squeaked. The whole class room had its eyes set on me already. Specially after that last second. I made a reputation in one day more than anything else in my entire virgin vampire life! I adjusted my knees nervously smiling with a sweatdrop on my head. I jerked around finally holding perfect posture with my corset and crossing my legs. The chair broke. I fell and hit the floor. My voluptuious curvy figure seemed to have destroyed it. If not that it was my enraging "luck"! I could not decide to cry or be angry. I just froze all myself and my emotions and got up. People called me fat. The teacher looked at me and shook his head. He didn't get it or understand at all either. I wish I could make up for the world's vendetta against me or at least kill it. I wish to be gone and never exist. I wish to be on another planet.
The sun was setting the day was over. The anxiety sank. Arigato Thank Kami-sama!(God) I had a little cheer in my head that was knocked over with dread. It was 3:00 P.M. It was now time for the fight. It hit me while not literally but while I was at the front of the thing. I saw a crowd of people going in a chain and forming a perfect circle to around me! They chanted "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" I was cornered and the Guest of Honor arrived. "Annette?! Wha-why?!" I asked near in tears again with my arms out about to pull my hair with this crazy. Annette had towels on her shoulders and spit in a random direction like a boxer. I think it hit someone but I don't know his name. "You're going down!" She said mad like a bull. She did all but put mitts on. This can't have been real. This is something out of a delusion or cartoon! The world was crazy. I was crazy. I looked around hoping for an answer. I was hoping somewhere in the crowd someone would object or something but it was no use. Kira tried to break in but got quickly held down by some jocks who shook him for change. This was maddening. This was madness. Even what little people were on my side couldn't be there for me for some reason... There wasn't even a reason. There wasn't anything at this point. The red flames of fury of that of a dragon in my eyes glowed. The flicker of yellow demon eyes and all the fire colors like that danced with red on my purple eyes like clear circle lenses. I almost formed a naughty demonic smirk. Vampire Mode activated! Blood red eyes of desire and war showed up. It was going to be blood and gore. Hair cast down ready to kill! Fire was in my soul and it was hot! Like hellfire! The strands of swooped cherry red locks of sweeps of my hair was like The Ring you know Sadako but ALSO like Rapunzel. I became a blur myself slashing and attacking. Claws out glowing flashing eyes and a design to destroy and above all a reason. I closed my eyes as I transformed and lunged quickly. I was swift like a wind storm charging with hands before weapons. I was a hungry lone wolf thirsting for the blood of my tormenters. I shot back dramatically. I hit her off guard jumping her like a rope. I got on her pinning her like an office note. I grabbed her neck and said "I wish you would just shut up!" I wish I were dead! Or gone from the universe! I thought casting my arms to the heavens. I wish she were dead. No...I wish her to be gone if not as pained as all my ancestors combined. I don't think I want her dead. I might just want her to be an immortal and to know what it feels like. Have a taste for blood and maybe grow up. But she was still in the world for hurt make no mistake! I wanted her to hurt as long and as bad as possible. If that isn't fair I don't know what is. I would feel bad for these dumbos if I weren't a sadist. I wish she would change. I wish the universe weren't so damning. I just wish for change. That's all.
I woke up a little dazed assuming I was either in the future, killed, lost the fight, was in the hospital or the nurse's office or an asylum or a special medieval prison bound in chains, jailed, frozen, or won with a blood bath. If not dragged away by a teacher I was worried I would have commited a genocide or mass murder. I have been so close before that was what my family anf the Prophecy foretold and warned me of. "There's not much time! Come on!" A voice said sounding me. I just followed and did what she said. Her hand beckoned and she was holding a gun. We were discrete like spies like Totally Spies but in darker gear and better. It was raining outside as wet and as dark as that strange dream. Could I have been in my own mind? Was my reality a lie? Was this my true life over all? Was this an altermant dimension? The apocolypse? Was this the real world all along and my whole life was a dream? Did the zombies come? "Let's go let's go!" She ushered and told. "Alright alright!" I said as she drilled me. There was something familiar about that look and that voice but I hadn't the courage to really speak right now. It was like throwing a canary into a lion cage. I could fly away but lions can jump and I am little. I flipped my hair. "What's going on?" I finally ask "Shh~!" She said putting a gloved finger to my matte maroon crimson red lips. I wanted an answer. I hushed accordingly but was still all confused like. We went down and hid by some things. Like a sewer and a bush and all shelter found. I would try to speak but we followed the same pattern and she could tell so well that I was getting testy. "Don't be mad at me. Be mad at the world." She said turning loading her gun with a sigh. "What is going on here?" I stressfully asked. "You're The Chosen One. You died, made the planet disappear and blow up and then get rebuilt. With no true hero to fight back the evil beasts there's a bit of a Resident Evil vampire breakout except..." She dropped the bomb. It was just like my past life. "What?" I asked on the edge. "There are more bad ones. I'm one of the few good ones." She faintly smiled. Her looks rivalled my own. She looked like a Final Fantasy character. A natural beauty. It was slowly but surely knocked me up. I knew who it was. "Your powerful magic..." She started. I leaned in. "It assigned me...I don't know. Maybe it was something or someone else but all I know is that I wasn't a Vampire. I was human once and I can't forget." Thunder and lightning came and the light flashed on her eyes. They were sparkling thousands of oceans of blue and dreamy. Crystal pools that you could swim in for the rest of your life even if you drown. She had long golden blonde hair that hit her shoulders gently and gracefully. It had pink streaks like Avril Lavigne. Her part was center. Her skin was pale not nearly as pale as mine but regular pale for a human. She had on a studded leather collar. She had a black corset dress that had a studded belt and layers of ghost cloth and tulle and tutus with golden streaks. Her shoulders were poofy and sheer and she had on regular grey black patchy gloves. She had black and white stripe tights like Beetlejuice and pointed stiletto boots. She had black gray and brown black eyeshadow for a smokey eye and matte red lips as well as ghost white face paint as foundation. She looked like a model or someone else famous alternative and a little scene.

I gasped in awe but as I hid behind her I tried to hide it. She got her phone out quickly looking serious like a spy. It reminded me of Final Fantasy Advent Childen or a celebrity or someone about to assassionate or rob a bank. She looked amazing. she was so pretty I could not almost stop staring at her. But she could sense it too. It couldn't have taken long with the 6th sense With her vampire powers. She had telekinesis. "Your staring is really creepy." She said. Before I could speak she said "It's alright I know you're not a lesbian." I was relieved. Her noticing me still made me feel like a creepy perv. "We have to go now." She said putting sunglasses on mysteriously. A siren went off.
We ran out from underground. I got into a run. My heart was racing with heavy adrenaline. I practically tripped on the thumps! "Go, go, go!" Screamed my head. "We have to go!" She repeated. That was all we could say then. I flew right after her. "They're coming! They're coming!" She said in a sweat loading her only gun to shoot. "Make yourself useful!" She said with a sweat drop on her head yelling dramatically. It was nervewracking. It was an overwhelming roar going on from the sirens and the sounds of the evil demonic wretched beasts thirsting for our life blood approaching. The Vampire Virus spread like quarantine since Vampire Potions can really dement a mortal. With a swift swipe I could hear she threw me something! I caught it. "How?!" I gasped dramatically all loud. "They're coming! They're coming!" She says louder looking over her shoulder at me to guard me. I jumped and caught it in the air like a basketball following up with some flips. All I had to do was raise my arm up! I held it like a key. It was a gem that immediately transformed into The Black Family katana! While not as unique and special as The HeartBreaker Blade it was still more than enough! My powers were flowing. I felt me coming back to myself. This is what all this ninja training I did was for. My purple aura blazed up. I powered up with strength all in that one moment. It was my moment. "Hiyah!" I said grabbing it grabbing it dramatic with a glowing spark. My eyes glowed with red murder once again. They were brighter than ever before. I sliced my sword into the ground powering with my super strength slapping a huge current of wind shooting it at the crowd of evil vampire zombies. "Annette!" I shouted. I was in the moment. All she could do is stare in surprise and shock when not trying to pin down the baddies with those bullets. "I'll protect you too." I said with a smile. "Yah!" I shouted jumping up. I charged in with regular sweeps of my sword but occasionally did power up moves like that. I took down the whole pack while Annette shot as much as she could knowing we might not need as many bullets as we thought. I cut traditionally like a gifted samurai would but with the flare of my special abilities. I practically leveled up. I could feel the rays of light and the power course through me. I had unfathomable agility and defense forming a force field spirit aura knocking back flashing the zombies. My magic even glowed in my eyes from reds to purples. Fangs out. I was an animal. I was a beast! I was recovering what I had lost earlier and then some. I even flied did my karate and dramatic flips and teleporting away from swipes and my enemy's attacks. I was bigger and badder than ever! I felt in me. It was awesome.
"Phew!" We said in unison sitting down. Finally! We were getting so tired from all this chaos even more so with all this spirit energy I built up and burned. We finally were all alone and FINALLY able to just sit down and think. We sat by a small barricade. We were about to hide underground again. "Annette...how did you get so...different?" I asked shyly. "I live a different life now. Everyone is different." She said flatly almost guilty and sad. I pat her shoulder listening. "I know of pain now." She said all deep like a poem. "Being a vampire is the worst little to no sleep, limited food, living forever, being weak to symbols, transforming, bleeding differently...I'm a whole nother person now." Annette the Vampire monologued. I made a half smile. Then I stopped. It hit me. If I was gone...what of the universe? "What of the others?" I asked. "I don't know." She said shaking her head. "My friends? Anyone?" I tried. "They're here. And no they're not evil but..." She was lingering. "But what?" I asked a little more upset. "I haven't seen them." She answerred and she knew it was one I didn't want. "..." I was silent. Not sure whether to cry or not. I was dead inside and today was the worst day ever and this also seemed to be the worst pain a person could go through. "When I could...you know...when I became a vampire I became a good person that cares, has better taste, etc. I learned to give rather than take. I was there for them as much as I could be." She almost smiled and took it back. "Do I have a daughter?" I asked holding my knees. "Never." She shook her head. I sobbed more strongly leaking like faucet made entirely out of holes. A dam has broken and crushed my dreams. It means the marriage might not have happened even. Not loudly but still rivers of emotion. Like a waterbottle tipping and falling and dripping and overflowing like me on the inside. It was like a water spirit shooting a big load on my face. I had pretty river streams pool on my pallid face. She gasped and put a hand on her heart all sad. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." She said quick to apologize. "No. It's okay...it's my hurt..." I said hugging my legs more shaking my head. "It's mine too." She nodded understandingly and hugged me. She got a tear in eye. It was for real. "You know we would have been like sisters...if you didn't die and simply wished for me to grow up...it would have-" She rambled but I cut her off. "Let's try now." I said seriously. "What?" She blinked. "Of course we're friends...you're a turned around person and saved my life." "Right." She nods smiling and almost blushing. "Let's make up for lost time before I go home, okay?" I smiled nicely at her. "Okay." She nodded and smiled back like Rikku in Final Fantasy X if not Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII.
While things were different in this Utopia some things remained the same. There was still a mall and still use of money and shopping but indoor places house people too. Even the homeless! The apocolypse DID have some perks to it! It wasn't all that bad some of the time. We hit the shops ready to paint the town red! We were going to go shopping and to a local sushi bar. We walked around arm in arm laughing and giggling. We got some boba tea and Pocky right before hitting Hot Topic! "Wow." I said in awe. It was more beautiful than I ever would have imagined. It was bigger and more stocked than ever! Annette smirked and laughed at my surprise. "Nani?" I said. "Oh. Yeah! Things aren't diff now! I should have said! Gomenasai Raven-nii-chan! Arigato!" She replied at me. "Dou itashimashite." I replied back. I looked at the place never more happy than my days living in Tokyo. It was what I always wanted it to be. An ENTIRE mall! Escalators, jackets, dresses, anime merch, the works! It was stunning! And most importantly of all EVERYTHING WAS ON SALE! I kept smiling and gasping with a tear in my eyes. "Since there were more vampires...everything changed." She answered my thoughts. I practically drooled. "Change is good?" She asked cutely covering her mouth as she laughed. "Change is good." I reaffirmed quickly. There was a pause. I almost ran in but walked in with her to be normal. Inside were a myriad of my heart's desires. All the clothes I could ever want and then some! We used the dressing rooms and changed together trying on new things like corsets, dresses, hoodies, and piercings. We also got bags, wigs, extensions, cosplays, circle lenses, nailpolish and other make-up, accessories, energy drinks, silly bands, hats, hair dye, band shirts, candy, plushies, music, and pretty much all the other gothic essentials! I pointed and laughed at a bright pink Nicki Minaj shirt. Annette gasped. I felt bad knowing she was a normy once. Before I said anything she said "Oh my God I can't believe I ever liked that loser." I choked. She then got out a Good Charlotte T-shirt and tried it on. "Omg! They're my fave band ever!" I shrieked. "Mine too!" She screamed back. We giggled and jumped and screamed together fangirling our brains out. Some dude told us to shut up but we didn't listen. This is The Apocolypse. Not a library! We flipped him off and did the same thing with all the others. I gave her a high5. Our cart was already filling and we had so much more left to see! I was in the dressing room trying on a dress when Annette called out to me saying she was at the register. I was trying to adjust my corset and groaned. I tried to get the dress off and moaned sexily but it was already tied and cinched at the corset top. I got pestered by her and the door being knocked on and after looking myself in the mirror it took even longer! "I'm so fat and ugly..." I said sadly almost crying. The crystal balls of clear liquid were forming on my face. The light making my skin glow again. I came out after hearing some more and said "Fine!" like I would to my mom. I decided to just get the dress anyways but I wasn't sure. I walked out the door dramatically. I heard some gasps and whistling and cheering. I blushed warmly like a heart. Kind of annoyed at first but getting used to it. I knew they were right. I was wearing a long striking gown like no other. It was like a prom dress but gothic and made of magic. I came out sparkling like a disco ball in Heaven. My pale spotless cream white skin showing with only some places like my shoulders blushing and shiny pink like my cheeks. I started to get redder like my hair. The top was a black and red corset with strings and a long casting sparkling black skirt with tulle and stuff over it in big layers. The main thing was black but the edges were red and it had long clear over the shoulder black long sleeves. The long skirt dragged on the floor and the layers were poofy but still elegant. I could tell from the looks on everyone's faces that this was the greatest dress I had ever worn. Ignoring the fact I remembered how I felt looking in the mirror and looked down mad and sad but they wouldn't let me have it. "Wow! You're so beautiful!" Said Annette almost dropping her MCR shirt. Her eyes twinkled like teary stars and she blushed red like you would at a celebrity. People rushed in a crowd taking pictures and trying to talk to me. The guy at the register said "Hey! That dress looks so good on you you can just keep it for free!" Annette and I took advantage of the discounts even allowing ourselves to be fanservice-y for more and quickly leaved.
We walked out of there. "Whoa...woooow..." Annette said laughing. "I know. Can you believe that loser?" I said not thinking. Annette was super quiet and I think she even gulped. "What's the matter?" I asked looking at her. She stopped. "Well...I kind of like him." "What?" I said in surprise. "Yeah..." She blushed a tiny bit. "What about Kevin?" I asked shocked. "What about him?" She asked me back. "What do you mean what about him?" I responded. "Like do you think that I really..." She began but I cut her off. "Um, why? Is that a bad thing?" I asked confused my eyes popping open. "I broke up with him. He's a dumb meatheaded jock and a cheat." She replied flat. "Really?" I reacted with more surprise since she barely said or felt anything. "Yeah, really. But I never would have known unless I could read his mind..." She added. "Oh..." I sadly responded worried about her. "It's okay. There's not much going on in there anyways." She said negative and almost slyly but then laughed. That was an INCREDIBLE burn! It was so true! we giggled like pixies and made our way around. We were about to head outside.
"Wait...what about the zombies?" I asked in worry. "What about them?" She replied. "I mean...I knew I was good but I have never seen such a stand alone force like that. I almost think that I don't even need pepperspray with you around." She said gratefully. "Arigato." I said nodding all serious. "For what?" "For saving me too." I told her. We held hands. It reminded me of when Kiku and I called each other sisters and hung out like this so I was a little saddened. I had worried she had died or was hurt but this early in I couldn't have found out anyways. Annette quickly dedicated the senses. "I feel the same way about Cameran." "You do?" I asked kind of sad. "Yeah. She may have been 'The Other Woman' but she and I were really close. Every time I'd feel sad or unwanted we'd do things like this." She revealed to me. "She was...you know my other half..." She said looking down. "Well no matter what happens...you have me." I said with a hand on her shoulder. "Right!" She said a flicker of a smile coming back. In our minds we were both worried about our friends and family but for now we needed to heal and to mend what was broken for so long.
By the time we teleport to our underground bunker we flew over to the sushi bar too. We sat at the stools with our legs folded looking pretty. We talked as we watched the chef cook and bring our meals. We had sashimi, onigiri, kalamari, dango, rice, California rolls, and large bowls of Ramen. We got out our chopsticks and announced "Itadekimasu!" And dug in. It was like in Dragon Ball Z and Naruto when he eats ramen. We dug into the stuff. I had not eaten in a while and neither did she but as we went we slowed down and talked some more. I was slurping on some noodles and some bento when she asked something personal. "So, uh...you know a little on my relationship status. What's yours?" I just about choked and blushed and finally started. "Well Kira and I have been together a long time and I know it will be even longer..." "How do you know?" She questioned. "You know how I was worried about my daughter Chiyo?" "Yeah." She said. "In The Future Kira and I have a daughter named Chiyo and we only found out when she went back in time to tell us." I answerred. "Wow. I can see why that would hurt!" She said back with surprise. "Now tell me...what do you think about that guy?" I asked all sly. She blushed like a chili pepper on fire. "Well as I became a vampire a lot changed so my tastes did. I just wish he'd notice me." She said with a sigh. "He noticed you." I said. "No he noticed YOU." She said a little hurt. "Well there's a reason for that..." I said trying not to sound mean. "..." She was silent and looked like she could cry. "It's nothing special or anything. He's just Kira's older cousin." I said beating around the bush. "There's something else too though. I know it." She said flatly. "One of the times I was in Vampire Mode she hit on him in a mosh and Kira saw..." I said embarassed and sad worried she would be mad at me. "Oh..." She responded kind of quiet. "He thinks I like him and besides he's an adult. I wouldn't go after him if I were you." I said almost like a mom. "Don't tell me what to do!" She erupted rebelliously. She was crazy in love with Kai who is literally a Skrillex rip-off. We paused. We burst out laughing. "Our first fight!" We said joking. "But seriously though tell me what to do and I'll fight you if I have to." She said but things were normal again. We loitered around until there wasn't much left to do.
We twiddled our thumbs awkward worrying about going outside. Specially since it was night and therefore The Hour Of The Vampire. We were nervous about going out there but we had to to make shelter. We were nocturnal too after all. "Is there anything we can do to stop this?" I thought out loud. "Well the Vampire Potion comes from essence of The Fountain of Youth, vampire's blood, and chemicals. The disease poisoned the water supply too! This led to gasses and people using magical potions that are toxic to them melt or rot." She said to me expositionally. "Right." I said scratching my chin. This made me think of Kiku a lot! "And how do we fix the world's water supply you know? We CAN'T! It might even be in the sea!" I thought hard. "For now let's get out there. It'll be a grind but it's better to stand for something than fall for anything! Let's head out!" I said clenching fists. She nodded and we go.
We opened up our door and went step by step. Arms out ready to defend! It was eerily quiet in this starry night but it was only a matter of time! We looked at each other on the defence like ninja assassins. We had a signal, an idea, and a plan and stuff. We loaded up to knock them up! "Ready..." "Steady..." I added. "Aim..." "FIRE!" I shouted ending the signal. Then together said "GO!" We grappled our weapons. Annette loaded her gun as the crowd surfed. She shot one right in the head! It was perfect and on point! Then like before she tagged one by one. And also like before I dived in. Annette helped me launch up like a slingshot and I darted in like a bullet doing one big old samurai chop! The zombies right out fell to pieces and some turned to dust! There were limbs and ashes all over. I got most of them and Annette bombed off the leftovers wiping the sweat off her brow. Smoke came up. "Wow. That was a doozy." I said scratching my head. "Yeah. No kidding." Annette replied with weak arms. "At least that's the last of-" I said but was cut and jerked off with a rumble. It sounded like an avalanche! Town Square quickly overflowed with the beast. It made us both mad but we had no choice yet again! I flew up to the air twirling my sword like a helicopter. I zoomed up high distracting them with the sounds and the noise. Annette stopped them and shot them holding them off and killing them. With some frustration she groaned with a face that said "Not again" "Ready..." Annette said to which I nodded even though she couldn't see it. "Easy easy..." She said again slowly aiming. "Aaaaaaaand..." She stretched. "GO!" She yelled with me in unison. She did a massive shoot out causing a lot of explosions I raised up higher and higher into the air with thunder and lightning and a dark power from above. I leaped down doing a hard cut strike with my blade! It caused more smoke and even a crater! It was like a meteour hit but it was really just my Vampire super strength. Dust, rocks, and rubble flicked off. The cloud was caky and thick like the dust in my uncle's shed. I coughed because it was like smoking. "Are you alright?" Annette said trying to hold back some tears. The murky mist dissapated revealing my form. I had some fire and steam coming off of me from the charged but it was going down. I had some scratches on me and maybe a bruise or a little blood but it was from impact only. "Thank heavens you're alive!" She said coming over to me. "I'm glad you are too." I replied kind of tired with my eyelids drooping a little. She put a hand on my shoulder. "You're tired. You need rest." She said with worry. "No, not this time...sleeping brought me here." Annette almost cried again thinking that means that I didn't like her. "No, no, no." I reassured. "I've spent too much time in dreamland. For now I'll just save you all like I'm supposed to." She nodded at me. "Besides, we have a LOT of work ahead of us!" I emphasized. "No kidding." She ushered and we shared a tiny laugh. "Speaking of shelter..." I began randomly. "Why do we have to go underground and not at either of our houses?" I asked validly. "Well, the thing is is that there was a protest and all the war has destroyed and ruining everything and my house is no different..." "Can we just go?" I asked a little disappointed. "Yeah. I guess so." Annette said tired herself.
I put a shield aura on us as we remained on our toes. We tiptoed and stayed in the dark as much as we could like spies with plenty of skills and ammo in our arsenal. We arrive at her HUGE white and golden chapel of a house! It sparkled and it was literally red gold paint! They even had a champagne fountain! It was a mansion that resembled art in Italy or a museum! It was somewhat broken down and all the lights had shot off though. I would not doubt electricity got screwed too to be honest! "I hadn't been to your house in a while..." I said lowering an eyebrow a little bit guilty like. "You've been to my house?" She asked confused and surprised. "Sort of..." I got a memory of when my best friend Youkai threw a rock at her window to spite her. I shake my head blushing with embarassment and a sweat drop on my head. "Tell me..." She pressured. "When I'm ready." I said laughing. She moved up many planks and boards at the door. I wanted to help but she did it all by herself in a heart beat or less! She growled and shiftted. She clunks them over. Then she was done. A golden laced doorknob appeared up on it. "Here we are!" She said with some stress half happy. She opened the door for us and headed in. "I'm sorry that it's so...run down." She said ignoring me and trying to do this as quickly as possible for some reason feeling embarassed herself. She flicked the lights on and they went in ALL of the house! "I shouldn't be doing this..." She said to me hesitantly. In my head I was like "Psh. Why not?" She was visibly nervous and stuttered. We explored and it wasn't that bad spare for broken wood and dirt and abandon in a lot of these places. At its worst it would be haunted. I curiously walked around wherever I want since I practically got permission to so there was no need to ask. "Wow..." I said with stars dancing and twinkling in my dazzling rose quartz eyes. They were like welt polished pink marble with violets growing under. My castle for my clan in Japan obviously beat this but it was amusing to see how the other half lived. There were so many bookshelves and stuff like that. Unfortunately it could not be all like that as good as it was it was still kind of sort of trashed. I knew it when I said one room which was all grey, dustbunnies, mold, broken boards, and cobwebs. "Blegh!" I said sticking my tongue out so ready to be sick. I hardly realized Annette stood right behind me! I jumped and squeaked like a scared little mouse. I felt bad and embarassed again and she was a little testy. She sighed. "This was my room." I felt suddenly so compellingly awful. It was basically a closet of dust and the most broken in. "Oh, I'm so sorry..." I started but she shooshed me. "As hard as it is it's not the worst part." She closed her eyes sadly. I thought she was about to cry but she just pointed. There was an abundance of holes and broken windows. "They could get in at any time and the lights only make them louder. It's too conspicuous." She told me. "Let's take some food and supplies and go to our new home then!" I said with earnest cheerful. She nods and agrees with an innocent half smile.
We brought food, blankets, and clothes. It was more than enough to keep us stalked to the point that we could even live in the sewer for days! I went to town on a waterbottle not even taking the time to know how thirsty I was. While Annette was just...tired. The first couple stampedes really slammed her especially that last one. Her body almost got weakened. I put a clear healing spell on her. "Thanks." She said with a nervous laugh. "What do we do next?" I ask cutting to the chase. "Survive. Fight. Eat. Sleep." She said like Daria. That burn was so good that I was quiet until we laughed to tears. "But seriously though what do we do?" I ask. "Take a field trip?" She asked with sass. "What? No. I mean-what do you mean?" "I mean I showed you my house so you show me yours." "Psh." I said rolling over. "Well you wanted clues about your destiny, right?" Damn that girl is good. "Well...yes." I said unsurely. "Then go right to the source! If your friends were there they might have left some notes or something!" That comment made me think a lot. I look down seriously with determination with almost a fire in my eyes. "For now though let's get some sleep." She said all motherly. "No!" I protested which meant I got a pillow to the face. I snickered and laid down a while planning while laying on my side then rolling over onto my back as I did when I was with the nurses from before. It was only a matter of time before the scene wanted to be replayed. I had my arms folded at my neck. I looked pretty tough and cool. I sighed. I wasn't going to cry and I sure wasn't going to fall asleep. Not even in this dreamland. I could not take anymore risks. Slowly hour by hour I heard the pipes drip and I was wide awake. But my eyes began to flutter. They tickled my face. Finally then my eyes flicked shut. "What's going on?" I ask in the dark void with the wet ground from before. "Is this what you asked for?" A mysterious voice asked. "No...I mean, I'm not quite sure yet. This is horrible!" I paused nervously through my words. "Then awaken...the deed is not done. You have not learned your lesson, young one." I gasped and immediately shot up covered in a cold sweat. "Morning sleepy head!" Annette said in earnest cooking me up some eggs. "Sleepy head?" I questioned cutely cocking my head. "Mmmhmm." She nodded. "But, but I was only asleep for a minute!" I argued gasping and loud. "Isn't that what we all say?" She giggled.
Over breakfast I confessed the dreams. "What does it mean though?" Annette asked. "Exactly! Even I don't know!" I replied hoarsely. "Eat your food, Sleeping Beauty. You probably do that more gracefully than you snore!" She said pushing the plates to me. "I snore?!" "Yeah." "Really?!" "Uh huh." I couldn't believe it and I was clearly not going to win at this point. "How?" I demandingly asked. "It's like a regular snore and then you talk in your sleep." She wiggled her cute little pixie nose as she bit into one of her waffles. "What did I say?" I asked with my eyes popping. "I couldn't quite say." She said. "That's good." I said mad and embarassed.
"I know you were a bit testy at breakfast-" She said holding some cloth. She sounded like my mom which made me miss her and the others more. I was still a bit down and sad. I knew I shouldn't have slept. I knew I shouldn't have made all these wishes. I shouldn't have ruined my life, her life, my friends and family's life, and most importantly the whole world's life! World hunger was doomed to get worse on top of people dying left and right. It was more than just the starving children in Africa. She looked at me saddened and confused at my suicidal depression and sadness. She blinked a lot. "I know I can't completely cheer you up but..." Annette said faintly smiling depressedly too. She got out some clothes and make-up we hauled in our room! We lock eyes. I know exactly what she means. I feel like this could be some kind of montage mixed with the geeky girl become pretty like in movies.
"Let's do this." Annette said holding a hairdryer. "Yes. Let's." I added with arched angry eyebrows and determination. We exhange a smile and a nod and head over to the bathroom. Annette sprayed and gelled up her hair shaggy like Joan Jet except blonde with a pink streak in it. She point and frayed the edges with her straightener. She lines her thin reddish pink little dolly natural gradient lips with a dark wine lip pencil adding a lighter dark red lipstick with plum gloss. She drew on some arched black wing eyeliner and did a deerp dark smokey eye but with some white and gold too. Mostly just the usual smokey eye though. She dusted her hollow cheeks with some red blush after doing some lily petal pearl diamond white foundation. She put on multiple pairs of long black falsies. Since I was still a bit shaken Annette The Vampire was kind enough to start my look for me after she added her mascara. "Okay you're gonna have to trust me." Annette said leaning in. "Why?" I asked slowly and softly finally looking and seeing scissors in her hand. I almost squeaked and jerked away so I screamed. "Just a trim." She said a little sad. "Should I trust you?" I ask hearing all the equipment going on in there. "Let's find out then." She said all serious. I took a deep breath. She let down my fiery ruby shady dark rose red hair causing it to ever so softly fall to the floor. She combed me and my emo bangs holding them then raising the scissor. I squeeze my eyes shut all scared. I hear the thing. "Open your eyes, Raven." She said. I opened them slowly like curtains in a theatre. I saw my sparkly reflection. I gasped in awe. My eyes were surprised and my mouth was open. "Do you like it?" She said with a big smile. "I don't like it..." I began still in shock. "You don't? You hate it? Raven I'm so sorry..." She said sadly. "I LOVE IT!" I screamed. She cheered jumping for joy. She cut my fringe a little more feathery and just barely on my eye so I could see through it as well as tease it up for way more looks! I was ecstatic. She told me she would do my make-up next because she had something special in mind for my hair and it was something special alright! She did thick black cat eyeliner with a dramatic pointed wing. She dusted on some black eyeshadow shading with it fading from gray to white and added some purple. Added on was some under eyeshadow and subtle-ish red/pink tears to match yesterday. She dusted some grey eyeshadow as blush so I could look dead or like a ghost along with her. She put my hair up into 2 messy pigtails and a perfect replica of Amy Lee's Malice In Wonderland Dress. I gasped and sparkled. It was perfect! She smirked and smiled proudly and messed with her hair for a rocker look or like Kristen Stewart. It was kind of punk too. "Oh my gosh this is perfect..." I said mouth still gasping. She put on a simple tight black little dress with Beetle juice black and white stripped legging tights along with some boots. She kicks a box over to me and it hits my toe. "Ow!" I said in pain but then I looked down. In the box was a pair of a dark almost black purple set of Jeffery Campbell litas. It was even REAL velvet! I shrieked and gasped fell back and fainted. Annette catches me. "Come on, big girl." She says before we go.
Some time passes by as we hoof it around town. The creatures stalking us were becoming better predators like I am Legend. We sneak around this city that looks like New York with big kitchen knives to kill with. "The coast is clear." My friend whispered as we hid in a dark alleyway. We scampered staying low crossing the street. We hide in another back to wall breathing heavily and looking around. We do our best to not make a signal sound. We counted our fingers and darted back and forth until we got to my house. Much like all the other buildings it looked a bit beat. Nothing can compare this to my castle in Japan but my Uncle Dracula did all he could to lay low. The roof was messed up and there was a big board nailed onto that door too. "Aha!" Annette shouted and pointed like she found a clue. We walk over there after a few minutes of me staring all surprised. We cough and groan as we move this board. It was particularly heavy, dusty, and old. We had to work together but it refused to snap! We eventually just had to pull it right off! I wiped the sweat from my brow and walked in with more caution than Annette. My home was particularly beat up. A big board thing on the roof broken into the living room and the same thing happened in multiple places and things were closed off. The power was out and almost everything to salvage was damned. It was dusty and the only light was from outside. I started sobbing. "Don't cry, don't cry..." Said Annette and she patted me. I choke it up and walk thru the living room to the hallway all the little rooms were cut off excluding a bathroom. We went upstairs to my room and Kiku's door seemed blocked and caved in. I open my room. I do the door thing with a creak. All my stuff was still there. The only issue was that the window broke so sunlight came in. I winced. A lot of my clothes were old, wet, or perfectly fine. I wanted to get into Kiku's lab. I tore everything apart to find anything but it was no use! I sat down sadly. Before Annette could calm me she noticed something and gasped. "A note!" She said as she pointed it. I did not care at all. Kiku has notes on everything everywhere. "It seems relatively...new?" She said picking up the sticky note. "Gimme that!" I said swiping the note away. It was crumpled up and messy it read:
"Raven is gone. All hope is lost. To all who find this we've made shelter somewhere else." I gasped a lot. "Then we have to find them!" Annette said. "Right!" I replied clenching my fist. I was determined.
We sneaked around town picking up clues as we went. Apparently, everyone had to be a drifter to some degree. Everything with a roof was free reign for shelter. We got even more far away down town almost at the very edge of it. This was the end. At least in its own way. My family was gone and the sun was setting. I fell to my knees and shouted "NO!" Annette tried to tap me as I felt something on my shoulder. It was a hand...a familiar one! I gasped crying tears building into my eyes in piles. I breathed in pretty hard. "Raven! You're back!" The person said raising their voice but it wasn't loud. I turned and saw the whole gang! That includes Dracula, Kiku, Youkai, and most importantly of all...Kira my one true love! Kiku's hand was on my shoulder. It was soft and pale like a new bar of soap! No mistaking it! This was the for real deal and FINALLY! I turned some more sitting up and then standing. "Hahaha! Great to see you back, knucklehead!" Youkai shouted at me like the comic relief he is. "Raven I thought you weren't alive...you were gone and you were the one to save us." Kira said seriously but warm. "I just...I'm glad you all missed me so much." I say blushing scratching my hand. "Of course we did." My uncle said walking closer to me. "I mean...I don't know what to say..." I say with my head down still blushing. "With you here we can finally make up for all the damage." Kira said. "Actually I made up a lot (already)" I replied still blushing. "Really?" My uncle asked. "I killed half of these savages with my good buddy here...Annette." I said putting an arm around her. They all gasped in unison. "HER? REALLY?!" Kiku screamed in disbelief. "Yes, really." I said calmly and almost proudly. Everyone went quiet and didn't know what to think so I continued. "I didn't just wish to die or disappear or stop the world I wished for Annette to be an immortal vampire and a fighter that knew pain. She's changed for real guys! She's better!" Annette blushed and smiled looking down. "So she's not sick anymore?" Youkai asked flicking his hair. "Yeah. Uh huh." I said nodding a lot all hyper and giddy just happy to know everyone was okay. "She's learned a lot...and so have I. I now know my impact on this world and how it matters."
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Sun Feb 08, 2015 @ 01:54am · 0 Comments |