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I was going to write a moppy entry about how I wanted you to be around with me while I was at the Medieval Fair today. No. ******** that. Because the truth is, I had a great time despite you being around. Sure, it lingered in my mind and I even thought of getting you an outfit from this very cool looking adventuring store (Would have ran me 120, I can assume you're a small.) but my day went great.

The thing was: I thought it would be s**t because an old friend named Omar, one whom I burned bridges with, was going to be there. I was expecting to get slugged in the face by him at some point in time. But... I couldn't have been further from the truth. He took me in as if nothing happened between us and treated me like we were friends the entire time. If it wasn't for the massive crowds around, I might have broke down and cried. I treated him unfairly, not understanding that his life was spiraling out of control and demanding his attention unjustly. Instead of trying to understand, I just casted him out of my life and left it as such.

Yet, we made the best time together with wise cracks and plenty of bad puns. It was a great day and I'm eager to join this Swords training classes here in NYC so I can finally work out while learning to use an axe properly.

I had a great day without you. It doesn't mean I wouldn't want you around.
I just learned that no matter how badly I do ******** up... Somewhere down the line, if I truly mean that I am sorry... Maybe I can make amends and move forward with Life.

It's not much. ********, it's really nothing... But it's those little somethings that give me strength to keep going.