I am gone. My once proud soul is empty. I have nothing left in me to give. Too many lies. Too much deseate. I want to lift myself from this rotten abyse. I cannot take others down with me though. I cannot save anyone anymore. I have cursed myself beyond repare, have been too sarcastic for my own good. I have lept into a evil place that has taken everything from me. I do not wish to be down or sad, but It is happening.
Do you remember when you use to make fun of my misery, well here it is again. Please laugh, for I do need to see someone happy. Even if it is at my expence it will make me come alive a bit. How can one girl need so much hand holding and yet be expected to do the same for others? I want everyone to be happy and yet my tears say it will never happen.
Little__Lotty Community Member |