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Redsonic's past
im a nobody. GOT IT?!
Organization XIII and the Nobodies
this is my story. why i was created. im a nobodie. not that type with the popularity and being known stuff. A nobodie. When a person dies, 2 things happen; 1. a heartless is born and 2. a "nobodie is born. When Sonic the Hedgehog died aganst the battle with Shadow ALONG time ago, i was created. I am Sonic's nobodie. Im like, half of Sonic. We share the same appearnce's except the black rings on my spikes and my skin color. Sonic is now weaker because of me. i hold half his power. Then comes the Organization XIII. They are a special group of nobodies. the strongest. Im currently on a journey looking for them, to jion there group and finally have a purpose. Nobodies DO NOT HAVE HEARTS. Nobodies cannot feel emotions. yes... i too, HAVE NO HEART. ppl hate nobodies. nobodies are usually evil in almost everyway. im not evil. im one of those nobodies who are good....and sometimes become bad.....

I met Sonic today. He said he wanted his "power" back. I had no choose. I went back to my rightful place. While I was in Sonic, I felt emotions. Somehow, i dont know how, but i escaped his body. Then, i met this girl named Amy. I dont know why but i felt love.... it was impossible! Nobodies dont feel! It was strange but I liked it. Then and there i swore that i would protect her. After that i made some friends. One day, i found this picture of my best friends named "Blade" kissing Amy. I was sad. I took a shortcut to my house by an alley when i found Amy, in a corner, CORNERED by some ppl. in black hoods. I fighted them but with only with half the power, i was no match. They took Amy. The leader of the black hooded ppl, told me that they were Organization XIII. I was shocked. * they beat me to death and left with Amy. Then Blade came and told me what happened. I died and disappered into darkness.

End of Part 1

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  • 06/25/06 to 06/18/06 (2)

  • User Comments: [3] [add]
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Thu Oct 04, 2007 @ 05:55am

    commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 05:59am
    got it memorized? 3nodding

    Community Member
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