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Upside:You drew The Fool. The Fool is unmolded potential, and represents new beginnings. Perhaps you will have some new choices in your future...
Reverse: Ah, the reverse Fool. You might feel hesitant about a change. The Fool card urges us to look at things in a new and different way...you may see the need for a new beginning.
  Upside: You have drawn The Magician. The Magician is a reminder to make use of one's power. Remember that you can make a difference.
Reverse: The reverse Magician. She is a reminder to make use of one's power, but you might feel intimidated or afraid of doing so. Consider what it is you are afraid of, and become who you are meant to be
Upside: The High Priestess - a difficult fortune to pinpoint. Her power is wrapped in mystery and speaks differently to everyone. Listen to your subconscious and inner voice, your intuition may be trying to send you a message.
Reverse: The reverse High Priestess - a difficult fortune to pinpoint. She can be a symbol of the negative side of your personality that no one sees, and even you might be unaware of. If you accept the Shadow within you, its powers will be yours... ..
Upside: You’ve drawn the Empress! A powerful card indeed… a symbol of feminine power and creation. Firm, but loving, you can inspire and lead just as she.
Reverse: You've drawn the reverse Empress. This card's appearance might mean you should get more in touch with the love and happiness within you that you have maybe been neglecting...
Upside: The archetypal Father. He can show us all that sometimes, though not all, the mind must rule over the heart to make difficult decisions. Consider this carefully when he appears
Reverse: The reverse Emperor. His appearance is usual a signal that we are being overcome by our heart and emotions. Take a moment to see logically, and then make your decision based on your heart and mind.
Upside:The Hierophant. A person who holds forbidden or secret knowledge, or a teacher or mentor. He preaches order, and would instruct you to no wrong, even to yourself.
Reverse: You've drawn the reverse Hierophant. You may be in a situation of confusion - where you're not sure what to do. The answers are with The Hierophant. Search your self for what is truly right before you decide...
  Upside: A card of emotions, The Lovers. Perhaps this refers to a relationship you are in... you should always follow your heart.
Reverse: The reverse Lovers. You are perhaps feeling conflicting emotions about a personal relationship. Do not ignore these feelings, as they exist for a reason. Listen to them to pinpoint the source...
Upside: You've drawn The Chariot. He represents controlled, directed energy, with a clear goal in mind. You must be ambitious... his appearance is a sign that you should move forward and take action.
Reverse: A reversed Chariot. He represents controlled, directed energy, with a clear goal in mind. However in reverse, his appearance can indicate that you need to take a long hard look at where you are going and why...
Upside:Justice. Karma. Law. His appearance signifies the need for fairness and balance, and as a reminder that you do not get what you expect, or even what you want - only what you deserve.
Reverse: A reverse Justice. Before Justice, you have to answer for all your actions, right and wrong. If you have done a deed you feel guilty about, then perhaps today you will have to answer to Justice.
Upside: The Hermit. You may have questions about the nature of life and existence gnawing away at your mind... He is a call to take time to learn more about yourself. Your social and worldly affairs can be put on hold - there is greater, inner healing to be done now.
Reverse: The reversed Hermit shows himself to you. You may have questions about the nature of life and existence gnawing away at your mind... This card's appearance means that you are too focused about finding some "truth," and it is keeping you from being able to move forward with your life. Let go...
Upside: Ultimately destiny strikes without warning, and the appearance of the Wheel of Fortune shows that change is certain to happen, and soon... If you've been out of luck, perhaps Luck will find you toda
Reverse: A reversed Wheel of Fortune. This indicates that your life is going to get more challenging, but this is not necessarily negative. Lean on your friends for support, you are not alone.
Upside: You've drawn Strength. Do not only have strength in physical force, but also in your ideas and beliefs. The qualities of Strength are already in you... Reverse: The reversed Strength. His appearance does not mean you are not strong. On the contrary, you are very strong and have much to be thankful for. Take a moment to appreciate what you currently have, as nothing is forever...
Upside: The Hanged Man, an ominous card indeed. You might feel like you are at a crossroads. A card of paradox, he urges you to look at things in a new and different way... perhaps there you can find your answer.
Reverse: The Hanged Man, an ominous card indeed, even in reverse. You might feel like you are at a crossroads. A card of paradox, he urges you to look at things in a new and different way. You may need to let go of an outdated attitude or friendship...
Upside:The Death card. You might be forced to make a sacrifice in your near future, but that doesn't mean that it's not for your own good. After Death is renewal - so even though one door may have closed, another has opened for you.
Reverse: While the appearance of the Death card does not necessarily mean physical death, even in reverse, his appearance often indicates that changes are coming. A door is closing, and another opens for you... will you have the courage to find it?
Upside: You have drawn the Temperance card. Temperance is a card about balance and strengthening. Make peace with yourself, and find a balance in life that will make you stronger.
Reverse:You've drawn the reverse Temperance card. Temperance is a card about balance in your relationships. Do not isolate yourself from your friends and family, they will help you find your inner balance.
Upside: The Devil. A widely misunderstood card. The Devil is not a force that attacks from outside, but in fact a cancer that devours from within. To deny the Devil inside yourself is to give it power over you.
Reverse: You have uncovered a reversed Devil. If you think the darkness has won, it has. But no one has power over you unless you give it to them. Remember this...
  Upside: The Tower. A powerful card, both destructive and creative. When old feelings and beliefs are outdated, you will have to let go of them so new ones can take their place. This card is a warning to open your mind and accept wisdom... or face the tumbling tower.
Reverse: The Tower. A powerful card, both destructive and creative. When old feelings and beliefs are outdated, you will have to let go of them so new ones can take their place. In reverse, it may indicate that there is a possibility that something or someone you have counted on being there for you may no longer be there…
Upside: In the absence of light, The Star will light your way. It is a beacon of hope and inspiration. Your future is very bright...
Reverse: The reversed Star. Even in reverse, you may find yourself feeling hopeful and inspired. However you might have a lot of powerfully positive opportunities in front of you that you are not seeing... take a moment to open your eyes and see your true potential.
Upside:You've drawn The Moon. The Moon indicates that things might seem confusing, or you are in a period of uncertainty. Trust your instincts and impressions, or go with your gut.
Reverse: The reversed Moon indicates that unfortunately things may not seem clear in your life right now. His appearance reminds us to not act hastily in your confusion. Do not force things and wait for the fog to clear...
Update: The Sun card. This is a sign that you may soon find yourself more free than you have in some time. Take this time to experience something different and enjoy your freedom.
Reverse: The Sun card. This is a sign that you may soon find yourself more free than you have in some time, however in reverse this freedom may be less obvious and clear to you, or you may have to work harder to achieve it.
  Upside: Judgment. This card's appearance can mean that a change is headed your way, though it will not be a destructive one. You will be in control, in fact, you may even regret it in time...
Reverse: In reversal, Judgment is often a reminder to not jump to conclusions, or hastily make decisions. Slow down and carefully give things more thought...
Upside: The World card. The appearance of this card might mark a time in your life where one cycle is ending, and another one is just beginning...
Reverse: The World in reverse. When this card appears in reverse, you may find that although there is great potential and promise, you might feel stuck. Remember that you do not have to do everything on your own, you are almost there...
Hikage CaLima-Ahzei · Sat Sep 25, 2021 @ 06:08pm · 0 Comments |