Tiger's baaaaaaaack
Yes, yes, save your applause xD I know y'all missed me. So, you want to hear about it, I imagine. Well, who says I want to tell you? xD jkjk
So, I will start with... Friday! We left at like 8 am. Waaaaaay to early, cause we had to get there in one night... yeah. We drove and drove and drove and hit a lot of rain and more rain and traffic and construction. My parents... are hysterical. My mom has a Serius Radio thing, and my dad decided to play wih it... and he got a Korean station that was playing some kind of Korean rap song, and he began singing along xD And, there was a bilboard... and I don't know what it was, but he locked onto it. It was "Blank County: WE MEAN BUSINESS" with a business man with a surf board on it... and he latched onto that, and throughout the whole trip would say "Blah blah blah WE MEAN ******** BUSINESS!!" Psycho xD SO! We went to sucky outlet stores. Didn't get anything cause it was too late. We stayed at a hotel. Wow...
NEXT DAY! That would be Saturday, huh? Yeah, sure, go with that. I... woke up with a stomach ache biggrin Yay xP Um... we drove to the boat, got on. Had to wait in a line cause we were so early. Got into the check in lane, and my parents were even more psychotic... my mom said to my dad to do a Korean rap, and he thought she said Seran Wrap. Fun stuff.
We got onto the boat pretty fast, well, really fast. Got to the room, love verandas, really really.We got drinks, soda for me and alcohol for parents. Drunk parents are even funnier xDxD We walked around, then relaxed in the room. Oh yes baby. Um... I can't remember everything, but we went to dinner. Gooooood. I enjoyed the food this year. I really did. I ate so much food, and real food too. I had lobster. I'm proud of myself, the picky eater, trying it. We all ate a lot and put on weight, I had to make my belt looser at the end xD But anyway.
Sunday was at sea. Beautiful. I love the ocean. Not too hot either. Um... didn't really do a lot. Saw the show, relaxed, read, listened to CDs (Yay burned CDs razz ) fun stuff, fun stuff.
Monday at sea again. I think Monday was the formal night, but it might have been Sunday. Whatever. Do you know we went on vacation and didn't bring a single camera? Bad us xP Um... nice time, really nice time. Tuesday was St. Thomas. We went... duh duh duhhhhh SHOPPING! Duty free shopping razz I got stuff. I got my black pearl necklace to go with earings, squee. And, we got THE COOLEST clock. It is just awesome. Y'all have to come over to see it. It plays west Side Story and dances and is all special xD
Um... then, the show! I think it was tonight... yeah, whatever. It was a comedy music thing, and the lady was hysterical xD And the guy could play a mean uitar. He did the classics redone in rock type ways. Twas cool.
Wednesday: Snorkeling at St. Maarten. Fun fun. Um... the tour lady was great, snorkeling was eh.
Thursday: At sea. Other fancy night. Actually took pictures. Um... we had a psycho lady who was like "TILT CHIN THIS WAY. TOO MUCH. MOVE BACK." *giggles* It was hysterical! Dinner good, we relaxed. Oh! And, we got air rush tattoos. Still there > smile Cool stuff.
Friday: Private island. Really really nice. Lounged on the beach.
Um... other stuff! At the life boat drill, my mom decided that the guy running it was gay. And so, they usually say "Women and children first," but they didnt this year, so my parents joked about who would get a seat on the life boat. And yeah xD Had to be there I guess.
Oh! We got ice cream one day and we were behind this guy who was getting ice cream for his "friend." Let's just say that this guy would be getting a seat on the life boat. Anyway, he was talking about how much weight he put on, and it was hysterical. "I'm not even going near a scale until Monday..." And when he ordered for his friend, he wanted mint chocolate chip, and they didn't have it, so he got him vanilla with chocolate chips xD For himself: Chocolate and vanilla swirl in a cone, a lot, with chocolate chips and whipped cream." He was funny razz
Um... played video games. Kicked my dad's a** at some shooting game, but it kept crashing. Shame too, cause it was the best game there. Won and lost at Tekken 5, and did better at a driving game, since my dad was preoccupied trying to crash into cows. ANYWAY.
There were like no worthwhile people my age on that boat except maybe 3. They all wore Hollister and stuff like that and hung out in their superfiscial groups pretending to be friends for the week before going home to their real friends and laying out in the sun in their itty bitty bikinis. Ok, done with that rant razz
Let's see... I went there white... I return pink with brown spots razz I got burned a little and freckles, no tan babes xD And I actually went into the sun, miracles never cease.
Got to see some movies. Fun. Um........ I think that's it for now. If I think of anythng else, I will post it here, Ok? Ok. BYE!
And QUOTES! "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." "Adam was God's first draft, with Eve he got it right" "No wait, I'm bulemic, I just forget to throw up"