Crappy day
Oh what a shitty day it has been, well when it comes to my computer heh; The damn thing hasnt worked for me veyr well today. First my internet went out. Took me six hours to figure out what was wrong (between that time I had dinner heh) The once I fixed it, the damn thing worked for a bout 45 min then suddenly switched off. I started it back up again then BANG! turned off again. So now after 30 min of fiddling I have managed to get it to work for now heh; Spyweare came back and cleared it... 12 cases stressed so now I am doing a much needed virus scan ^^ Lets hope this works. If not then I will either have to send it in to be serviced or send it to my friend for him to check it out for free heh. So if I disappear for a few days or even weeks, you'll know where I went. Not that many people read this damned thing lol; sweatdrop