Day...I don't know what at camp bummer. Today, our brave campers joined a new guild, earned more money, and had a wardrobe change. Other than that, mostly anything is the same for our campers. We have moved on in our daily activities! We have included KH fanfiction time and BONUS..... Phantasy Star Online, with Fred in the evenings. Our little campers have also worked out a daily sleep schedule, so they are properly rested for the next day. We have also added arts and crafts, a time to relax and unwind. (If I could draw decently)
Also, our campers have started on their autumn project. their trip for nekocon. One of our campers wants to go as Riku....(you get where this is going) Anyways! Not much has changed people. What's up with you guys?
xXSamantha_RXx · Sun Jul 30, 2006 @ 02:37pm · 2 Comments |