I managed to put my phone aside last night and got up at 10:30am. I was aiming for 9:30 but I vacuumed half the house last night and it wore me out (and now I'm sore), so that was better than nothing. I turned off my alarm and naturally awoke from a dream at 10:30 so I figured why not get up. It's a small achievement but I'm proud of myself for being on the right track in fixing my sleep schedule.
I am planning to vacuum the other half of the house tonight, once it cools down. The summer heat is relentless.
Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment at 11:30am and will visit the chemist attached to the clinic afterwards to restock some things. I finally remembered to make a morning appointment so that I won't have a hard time getting an Uber ride home in the afternoons due to work and school letting out. I've ended up waiting for hours in the past and that's no fun. Especially when it's hot.
I put in my grocery order this morning and wanted them delivered this afternoon or evening but they were out of stock of three things if I chose that option so I had to make it for tomorrow afternoon instead. I got some vegetables to do a roast with. No meat, but potatoes, sweet potato, carrot, parsnip and pumpkin. I have some foil trays here to use and then toss to make it easy. I just hope mine turns out as good as mum's does. I might ask her for some tips.
I only have a couple of rps left to reply to today and I'm hoping to be able to post on them today. There's 2-3. If I can manage to get that done, it will free me up to do other things, such as play The Sims 4 or watch an anime series (some episodes anyway). I have been putting it off in favour of trying to catch up on them all. I don't know why I do that.
I have to wash all my plushies as well. I think I will put them inside pillowslips so they don't get damaged. They were dusty so my sis said I need to wash them but I am worried about them getting damaged in the machine.
I forgot to water my plants last night. I am going to give them a drink tonight. They all seem to be doing well regardless. I think my mum gave me hardy plants on purpose, lol. Wise on her part.
My kitties are still sleeping right now. I'm not sure where Mackerel and Possy are hiding, maybe in the back room that is going to become my study once I get a desk and ergonomic office chair for it. The sun comes in the windows there and they like to bask. Their cat carrier is also in there with a towel in it that they like to go into and sleep on. I should probably swap it for a new one and wash the current towel because it's likely furry by now. My kitties are molting a lot in the warmer weather. Cat fur galore! Chi is on the soft kitty cat mat that I bought from Daiso some years back. They love that mat because it's super soft. We put it on the floor at the end of my bed to save the carpet from being clawed. Although, that was my fault because I gave Chi some brown packing paper to tear up and her claws pierced through it and got a small patch of the carpet.
Hmm...I hope today is a good day. I have some gluten free hoki fillets with a crumbing that I plan to have for dinner tonight. With a little bit of Kewpie mayo. They are usually nice. But we'll see how my digestive system reacts. Hope it doesn't spazz out on me again. I've nearly run out of food so it's a good thing more stuff is coming tomorrow afternoon. Grocery delivery day is always happy.
![]() Kasumi Roseglimmer Community Member ![]() |