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A day in the life of Unlucky -.-

Community Member
Later today.....................................
*Takes place at my house today and like 3-4 something, on the phone with my friend Ashely who was sick today like me*

*on the phone*

Me: You know when I was little *flash back* I thought the dude on the Starbucks stuff was god........ I know, I know Im carzzy
Ashely: Yes, we all know that whee
Me: *drifts off into "dream land" and says:* You know, what if coffee cured cancer?
Ashely: What?
Me:Yeah, and who ever didn't drink coffee or anything that as coffee in it would get cancer.
Ashely: How dose thid relate with the god thing?
Me: Ok, so gods up there drinking his cup of coffee with the strabucks' logo and everything; and the suddenly an alarm goes off and an image of a man is drinking something that is non-coffee related. And then god says " You! Your not drinking coffee!! *Zap* *man falls down dead* god "That'll theach that non-coffee drinker."
Then god had an idea "I have an idea! Who ever drinks coffee won't get cancer and those who chose not to obey to the power of coffee will recive cancer! twisted "
Ashelly:...... Your crazy..... Where did you get the whole cancer thing?
Me: Oh, I found a game on the computer once and it was called god's computer. And you were god and when you killed people you got points and with the points you got to buy stuff the kill the people and one of them was cancer.
Ashely: Right....... Oh sorry I need to go my dad dosn't know I'm on the phone. I'll call you later.
Me: Bye *hangs up*

And thus my deformed mind has once agian drifted of the "dream land" and created another crazy story of human life.


User Comments: [2]
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue Oct 03, 2006 @ 04:27am
wow i never knew that

comment Commented on: Wed Oct 25, 2006 @ 02:32am
now you know 3nodding

Community Member
User Comments: [2]