somethings are depressing some are normal all is me
Nicola Age: 19 Wieght: 120 Height: 5'7" About: She is a master like Reomo of the shadow arts and is a skilled swords woman. She is a stubbern and has very good control of her temper. But if you get her mad she will not hold back. She will protect anyone in danger(SP). Other: She is dating Kyo
hyper_bunny26 · Sun Nov 19, 2006 @ 05:57pm · 1 Comments
Helix Age: 18 Wieght: 125 Height: N/A About: a Humanoid Dragon Skills with 1 or 2 swords,favorite Weapon is the Flame Breaker Sword,and Deeply in love with Emma Other: Aasad type and avenger