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Icyfreeze's cold journal
My journal is mostly about what happens in life, or the experiences that I have had.

One time i went to a friends house 4 a sleep over. We were having a great time in the pasture next to her house, we were walkin down to the creek at the bottom, we took our shoes off and set our feet in the cool water. We splashed each other and threw rocks. After we were done, we dried our feet and put our shoes and socks back on, my friend had a walky talky cause the creek was a good ways away from her house. Suddenly we hear some thumping noises and then see a bull coming straight for us, we panicked an jus stepped over the wire in front of us. My friend told her mom about the bull though the walky talky. We stood there praying that it would'nt come over the ONE WIRE FENCE, it soon walked away and we let out a big sigh of relief, so we figured it was best that we hurry up and get out of there. As we stepped over the fence, i put my hand down on the wire,and then,BAM! IT HIT ME! RIGHT THEN AND THERE I NEW THAT THE FENCE I HAD TOUCHED WAS ELECTRIC! OMG!OMG! OMG! it hurt like crap!i stood there with tears coming down my eyes, my friend had got shoked too but not as bad, i still had a stinging feeling through my arms, its a good thing we dried off from the water or i would hav gotten worse of a feeling then that.

Bright Lights
(this story happened to me and its my point of the story, im not quite sure about the ending though)
When i was old enough to crawl, my mom told my dad to watch me while she went inside to do house work, my dad was working on the truck at the time so every man says to his wife"yea, ok" so i jus sat their and watched my dad 4 a few seconds because i got bored. I saw some cars coming up and down the road, so as usual curiosity goes, i went over there to the road to see what it was,it was dark and time for me to go to bed, so my parents were continuing what they were doing and someone came and knocked on the door,is this ur baby? OMG it is!so my mom got mad at my dad and ive been told that i sat in the middle of the road and that if that car did'nt hav its lights on or did'nt see me, i would'nt be here today.ITS A MIRACLE!!!! eek (i think that i hav bad trouble with the middle yellow lines of the road, cause something happened to me again when i was just getting my training wheels off, read about that in my next story.

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