...Oh god... what have I done?? |
Okies. It's a convoluded story of sorts, but I have to tell it~!!
It's about my friend back from high school, Annie, and my college friend Ben *the one who crushed on me last spring while I was crushing on the aforementioned Matt*.
Well, let me back up a bit. Annie broke up with her boyfriend Michael of about a year because she wanted to take the relationship further, but he didn't. So she's been kind of a wreck recently, especially with the s**t involving her parents and all that.
What happened was that she heard Ben talking to me while I was over at his apartment having some of my anime offloaded onto DVDs, and commented to me that he had a cool sounding voice.
So while I was biking home from anime club, she called me to tell me that Michael had called her back and they had talked for awhile, even after she vehemently swore she would never talk to him again. Anyway, I was still talking to her when I got into the apartment, where Ben had just finished fixing up Kathy's computer by installing a LAN card and some Windows patches. Annie heard me talking to him in the background, and asked if she could talk to him for awhile. I didn't think much of it and said okies.
Well... hm. Kathy and I drove Ben out to work right after that, but Ben was still talking to Annie. On my phone. Thank goodness we all have T-mobile... I made him hang up, but he and Annie exchanged numbers.
About 10 minutes after we got back home after dropping him off, I get a call from him telling me that Annie had called him back, and only another phone call stopped her for a bit and gave him a breather to talk to me
So this morning, Annie called me to give me an "update" of sorts. She and Ben talked for over 3 and a half hours after Kathy and I dropped him off *he used his cell, obviously*. @.@;; What's more, they're now FWB. If you don't know what that means, they're Friends With Benefits. @.@;;;;
All I can say is... HOLY s**t, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!
And the thing is, earlier during the phone call while I was on my bike ride home from club, Annie had mentioned that she may get back together with Michael, but now this?! Oiii... ._.;;;; And now both Annie and Shaylee will be coming down the 23rd of October possibly to come visit... this'll be innnteresting indeed...
W007!! I got my cosplay idea all squared away now!
Once I get home from class this afternoon, I have another round of updates to do for the GEN, as well as officially announcing that I'm back on active duty for the GEPD. Such a busy Gaian life...
Matt's going to burn the 7 episodes of Full Moon Wo Sagashite that I don't have, so I'm a happy li'l clam right now. ^^ Such a hottie while he was playing DDR yesterday... oh well. I know it's hopeless, so I don't feel so bad anymore.
It's too bad I'm crushing on another person now, but I can't ever tell him for fear of losing our current relationship, which I cherish quite dearly. I will never do anything to jeopardize it.
I admit it. I always do this to myself. Perhaps it's that sensation of knowing there's something *or in this case, someone* I know I can't ever have, so I want it more.
Let's hope this phase passes swiftly.
*Strangles IDIOT with cord from ZONY Discman*
Aquafire · Fri Oct 08, 2004 @ 09:02pm · 2 Comments |