Been A While...
Yeah.... It's um been a while since I last entered something here.... Hehe... sweatdrop Well i guess I've just bee busy, that and I found an awesome Fan Fiction site and I've been glued to it for like EVER!!! But yeah... I have a bit of ranting to do. Yay for Lelbet rants!!! Anyway. Well, I have a b/f now (outside in the real world) and we've been trying to take things a little further (not as far as you think you hentais!! blaugh ) and I really want to, but I can't. I don't know what's wrong, I know that I feel a little afraid, but I don't know why. And I really want to know. It's really frustrating cause I really really love my b/f. *sigh* But yeah, if anyone has any ideas as to what's wrong, or why I'm afraid, please, PLEASE, tell me, cause I reall want to know. Anyway, so yeah... I'm finished with my rant, so yay razz PLease comment, or just read, or whatever.....