The World’s largest web page.
Q: How BIG is this page?
A: This page is 9 quadrillion pixels wide by 9 quadrillion pixels tall. Thus it contains a large number of pixels:
otherwise known as 8.1 nonillion. In scientific notation, that’s 8.1x10^30, hereafter shown in the form 8.1e30.
This means that the repeating background image has 5.4e28 stars on it-- about as many as there would be if our universe was multiplied to a million times it’s current observable size.
Futhermore, at 77 pixels to the inch, this page takes up 3.4e18 square miles and is 1.844 billion miles on a side-- an area roughly equivalent to a section of the plane of our Solar System with the sun at the center and the orbit of Saturn on the outside edge (a square 22 AU on a side). That’s about 17 billion times the surface area of the Earth.
Worth a few minutes, just to play around with it… cool
xxevil_poptartsxx Community Member |
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