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View User's Journal

Entries will be very few due to the fact I have a journel that I can actually write in. *Warning contents of this journel are not for everyone due to unpredictable entries viewer discretion is advised*
again these waves have grasped tightly to me. Submerged under water i felt for the first time something different. Not the fimilar screams and rain washing away my pieces. I tell myself: Hear the whisper that has no words feel the air in your soul and truth will be found... Without my eyes how can i descripe what I've seen? If I am without eyes but need to see the truth and am hearing whispers without words but must embrace them how can I describe... its like he's pulling again pulling at me urging me telling me that there is something about this sound that i must hear. I don't understand. There is something though I think i can finially feel it. it's faint but it's here. I raise my hand to my center and let the pull drag me under. I have learned not to breathe here and i have learned not to hear or see or move here. It just... it just happens. it's so beatiful. Sometimes I desire so strongly that i could paint these pictures, vivid detail, in the minds of everyone else as he has painted them in mine but I fall short everytime. I just don't know how to. He gave me this need this love for air rushing in me. How i want to dig my hands deep in the soil and pull as he does to me so i may feel the wind. But with all this going on I stop inside and question for the first time who is he?