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Jules's Journal
Avi art, some coding stuff and actual journal entries since I don't own a nice paper journal to write in.

Character Info ;


User Image
Name ;
Aylin Reikasu.

Gender ;

Age ;
Appears to be 20, but is actually 825.

Height ;

Hair Color ;
Auburn red.

Eye Color ;
Dark violet.

Race ;
Soul Reaper.

Rank and Squad ;
Captain of Division 04.

Theme Song ;
Moonlight - Yiruma

Personality ;
Aylin tends to be a cheerful, warm and positive person, always seeking out the best in every situation. She's known to be very motherly and is always kind of woman who's willing to help others, no matter how aggravating they may get. She takes the saying 'patience is a virtue' to heart. Peaceful by nature, Aylin is fiercely loyal to her Squad and committed to finishing everything she starts, even if it seems impossible to finish.

Around people she's meeting for the first time, Aylin will always be courteous and respectful to them, and very rarely will she belittle or look down upon anyone. She's never judgmental towards anyone, no matter what race they are and she takes an equal interest in everyone she meets. Though, just because she's nice and forgiving, doesn't mean she's the type to take lightly or looked upon as naive. There are times when she's firm and very serious, especially when a given situation she's in is serious. She's is confident in herself and her abilities and above all, Aylin will always be true and loyal to her friends, vowing to always protect them from harm.

Biography ;
Aylin, along with her younger sister, was born to the very caring couple of Amaya and Gin. Amaya was very beautiful and kind hearted, while Gin was a strong and moderately wealthy rice farmer. The family lived the peaceful life of rural farmers in the country sides of early Japan. Aylin was intelligent from the get go-- exceeding the expectations of her tutors and graduated at the age of thirteen from her homeschooling. Being home schooled, Aylin was extremely lucky compared to the other women in her village, but this also meant she had very little friends which caused her to develop a very shy and observant personality. The only true friend she had was her younger sister, whom she shared everything.

Unknown to Aylin though, her family was under the hire of one of the leading Samurai clans in the country-- the Reikasu Clan. Her mother and father were both of higher class already, but because of their farm land and crop quality, they were an easy target for all the ruling clans in Japan. Luckily enough, the family was allowed to stay in their home and maintain the land like they normally did with little interference from the Reikasu foot soldiers, but her growing beauty didn't go unnoticed by their ruling clan. One night, two of the Samurai decided to kidnap her from her own home. She was knocked out cold and taken directly to the man who lead the Reikasu clan-- Nara.

He was a man of great propriety and sophistication. To others, he appeared to be kind hearted and pleasant. Even as he killed, his raven eyes always had a soft and gentle look to them. Nara was also a man of exceeding beauty and grace that many women adored. In fact, the entire clan was beautiful and held the same composure Nara did. Because Aylin showed such traits, he had to have her as one of his own. There would be no exceptions when it came to what he wanted.

At first, Aylin tried escaping and fighting her way out of the mess. Being so young at the time, the girl was frantic and panicky, often times lashing out at her captives when they attempted to feed her and bathe her. It took some time, but eventually Aylin was broken in by them and learned to live her life without the family she had loved so dearly.

Fortunately, as it turned out, the Reikasu clan treated her very well, even though she was extremely heartbroken. She was given even more personal tutors, training sessions in martial arts and various forms of Japanese hand to hand combat. Though Aylin was of great intelligence, her strength and speed was soon found to be astounding to the clan. She continued to excel in her combat skills, surpassing Nara's second in command when she reached the age of twenty. Fearful of her abilities at such a young age and too prideful to hand over his leadership, Nara murdered his own creation when she least expected it.

Aylin's death was quick and she felt nothing as she suffered a broken neck. Her spirit even wandered around as if she were still alive, visiting her mother and father every day for a year until a male Soul Reaper came to send her to the Soul Soceity. Having nowhere else to go, Aylin entered the Academy and took an immediate interest in Squad 04. Since her time in the World of the Living had been so battle oriented, her body and skills were suited for Squad 10, but her heart refused to do anymore fighting. Instead of fighting and killing, she wanted to help others. It started out difficult, but with over 700 years of medical training under her belt, promotion to Lieutenant, then Captain shortly after, Aylin has become a very wise and skilled healer.


Zanpakuto ;


User Image

Zanpakuto Spirit ;

Zanpakuto Spirit ;

Zanpakuto History ;
Aylin's Zanpakuto Spirit is said to be the reincarnate of the Greek Goddess of Healing. Akeso's public past is limited to many by what's known of history. She was born to Epione, the Goddess of Soothing and Acelepius, the God of Healing, though recreated the day Aylin was born.

The two share a very close bond and rely on each other to keep progressing in nearly every aspect of life. Though they are different, the two move and act as if they were one in the same. Akeso was dormant through out the majority of Aylin's human life, exposing herself only when summoned by dire need. While she was alive, there were many instances where Aylin was nearly killed by her clan, but was miraculously saved by Akeso's power.

Activate Phrase ;
Nazo O Anata No Utsukushi-sa, Akeso. ((Unravel Your Beauty, Akeso))


Shikai ;


Shikai One ;

Burakku Kokan - ((Black Redemption))

Instant Effect ;
Upon release, dozens of [poison in the form of] black ribbons explode from beneath Aylin's feet in a two meter radius. ((If she is standing on a flat surface, they erupt from the ground, but if she's in the air they form a small bud underneath her.)) The ribbons range in size, being anywhere from four to ten inches wide and two to three meters tall. Though they are an inky black in color, they still have a very hazy violet glow around them to match the Captain's reiatsu color.

As soon as they are released, they begin to whirl rapidly around Aylin, expelling a strong gust of wind around her. When she speaks the short phrase, "Hakkei, Akeso", the ribbons burst in to flames that are also violet in color. This burst is equivalent to a small explosion and those surrounding Aylin are susceptible to being pushed back or struck by any surrounding debris.

Cosmetic Change ;
During her Shikai release, Aylin's katanas undergo a minor physical change as the ribbons wrap around them. After shifting from a steel gray to an ink black, Akeso's blades also extend an additional five inches in length. The design on the hilts become a pure white in color, while the guards blooms outward in the shape of a pointed star. This star has eight points and attached to each point is a four meter long black ribbon. ((So, all in all, Aylin has sixteen [poison in the form of] ribbons))

Lasting Effect ;
These ribbons are made to react upon sheer will or by voice command. Upon initial release, the ribbons will automatically braid their way up Aylin's arms and around some of her chest and torso so they don't interfere during close combat. But, when utilizing their true ability, Aylin is able to use them for various purposes as she's able to control their movements by will. Purposes will vary from detaching them from her swords and using them as projectile weapons ((that can travel at speeds just below a shunpo, so they are still visible to the naked eye)) to hardening the poison ribbons enough to act as a temporary defense.

As stated earlier, Aylin's ribbons in her first Shikai are actually a high-level, degenerative type of poison that she developed, just in the form of ribbons. In order to have any effect, a ribbon must pierce the skin. Once the skin is pierced and enters the body, this poison stays dormant for five posts, having absolutely no effect to begin with. It's during those five posts that the poison is making it's way through the bloodstream, spreading itself throughout the body. When the five posts are up, the victim should feel immediate effects that would begin with a tightness in the chest and mild disorientation-- this includes, slight dizziness, moments of blurred vision, fever, fatigue and confusion. After an additional three posts, the effects should become more serious and the victim could find it difficult to breath while basic motor functions would begin to waiver as nausea may set in. Then, with four additional posts, deadly effects such as tightening of the throat and choking are likely to occur. Obviously, the more poison to enter the blood stream, the worse the effects may be, but each injection of poison wont take effect until it's five posts are up.

Shikai Two ;

Hiringutatchi - ((Healing Touch))

Instant Effect ;
Same as Shikai one, except the ribbons are white. But, if progressing from Shikai one into Shikai two, Aylin uses the command phrase "Hiru, Akeso", to make black ribbons explode with a bright flash. Once the white light fades, the previously black ribbons have now become white.

Cosmetic Change ;
Same as Shikai one, except with white ribbons that emit healing abilities.

Lasting Effect ;
Unlike her first Shikai, Aylin's white ribbons are able to heal wounds. The size and severity of the wound depend on the amount of ribbons and time necessary to heal the wound will vary. Minor wounds require a minimum of three uninterrupted posts, moderate wounds require a minimum of six uninterrupted posts and any major or life threatening wounds require a minimum of ten to fifteen posts depending on severity. ((Aylin can only heal two life threatening wounds before Shikai deactivates. During battle, it is rare that she's able to fully heal any life threatening wounds due to the amount of time they require.))

This Shikai does not apply to mental trauma and serves as a quick, yet durable fix to aid fallen comrades when they are unable to be transported to the certified medical facilities during battle. Since the process of healing is carried out by the ribbons from her Shikai, Aylin is able to tend to her own wounds when need be.


Bankai ;


Sankuchuari - ((Sanctuary))

Instant Effect ;
When entering into Bankai mode, tiny orbs of light known as pyreflies begin to spore from the ground around Aylin. They are innocent in appearance and innocent in nature, meaning they serve no offensive purpose whatsoever-- basically, they're just for show. Purely visual. Slowly, the pyreflies fly around Aylin, landing on every part of her body until she appears to be glowing. Then after speaking the phrase, "Ataeru Raifu, Akeso," the tiny orbs flash in a beautiful, yet soft white light. When the light fades, the pyreflies are idly flying around Aylin once again.

Cosmetic Change ;
In addition to when the light of the release clears, two large wings are left in the light's wake. One wing is black, while the other is white and they are both attached to their own transparent orbs that are spiritually connected to the Captain's back. Essentially, Aylin takes on the appearance of Akeso, yet with her own original facial features and body.

Lasting Effect ;
Similar to Aylin's second Shikai, her Bankai is used for healing purposes, just on a more effective and pronounced scale. In order for any sort of healing to take place, it's essential that she be in constant contact with the victim throughout the duration of the healing process. Basically, anything Aylin touches ((be it with her hands, or her katanas as only those two appendages are able to act as conductors)) will be healed and regenerated to it's state prior to receiving any form of damage or trauma to the body. The duration of this process depends on the wound or ailment, yet unlike Shikai, Bankai is able to reconstruct skin and organs at a much quicker pace. Since Aylin pours a vast majority of her spiritual pressure into her Bankai, she dedicates the healing powers solely to others. She is unable to heal herself in this state and particular cases may require extended periods of no Bankai usage.


Squad Ability ;


Exclusive Healing Spells


Kido, Agility Techniques and Support Abilities ;


Kido Spells ;

20% 1. Sho (Thrust)
20% 2. Beniikazuchi (Crimson Thunder)
20% 3. Kuukuu no Akuryoku (Grip of the Void)
20% 4. Byakurai (White Lightning)
20% 8. Kutsuunomaru (Circle of Pain)
20% 10. Dohatsukenwotsuku ("Boil with Rage" wink NEW
20% 13. Shuumoku ("Public Attention" wink NEW
20% 15. Hantaibouekifu ("Antitrade winds" wink NEW
20% 11. Tsuzuri Raiden
20% 12. Fushibi (Ambush Flare)
20% 20. Burn
20% 21. Attou ("Overwhelm" wink NEW
20% 26. Enfun ("Burial ground" wink NEW
20% 27. Breaking Palm
20% 28. Hyohihou ("Snow Ice Gun" wink NEW
20% 29. Chuujou
20% 30. Assatsu
20% 31. Shakkaho (Shot of Red Fire)
20% 33. Sokatsui (Blue Fire, Crash Down)
20% 35. Tenken (Sword of Heaven)
20% 37. Thousand Burst
20% 38. Altar
20% 42. Uchuu no Shinjitsu (Truth of the Universe)
20% 44. Furi-Zudari ("Freeze Dry" wink NEW
20% 47. Dead Air
20% 48. Burst Stream
35% 49. Ikijigoku (Hell on Earth)
35% 52. Bakuhatsu no Chakudan (Detonating Impact)
35% 53. Big Hammer
35% 54. Haien (Abolishing Flames)
35% 58. Tenran (Orchid Sky)
35% 60. Chaining Blast
50% 63. Raikoho (Thunder Roar Cannon)
50% 64. Soren Sokatsui (Twin Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down)
50% 65. Burning Spirit
50% 67. Chain Reaction
50% 72. Burst Geyser

20% 1. Sai (Restrain)
20% 2. Kabe (Wall)
20% 4. Hainawa (Crawling Rope)
20% 8. Seal of Patience
20% 9. Geki (Strike)
20% 13. Earthern Maw
20% 16. Ryuusa (Quicksand)
20% 17. Mabukani ("Over the Eyes" wink NEW
20% 24. Kinbaku ("Bind Tightly" wink NEW
20% 25. Betobetokenwonuku (Sticky Draw)
20% 26. Kyakko (Curving Light)
20% 28. Anchor
20% 29. Sabaku Sousu ("Sand Burial" wink NEW
20% 30. Shitotsu Sansen (Beak-Stab Typle Beam)
20% 32. Yukashita ("Under the Floor" wink NEW
20% 37. Tsuriboshi (Suspending Star)
20% 39. Enkosen (Circular Shield)
35% 45. Beast Fang
35% 47. Karimaisou ("Temporary Burail" wink NEW
35% 49. Kasairyuu ("Pyroclastic Volcanic Eruption" wink NEW
35% 50. Sokubaku (Shackles)
35% 58. Kakushitsuijyaku (Grasp of the Chasing Sparrow)
35% 61. Rikujokoro (Six Rods Prison of Light)
35% 62. Hyapporankan (Hundred Stepped Rails)
35% 63. Sajo Sabaku (Chainlike Desert)
35% 73. Tozansho
35% 75. Gochutekkan (Quintet of 1 kan Iron Pillars)
50% 77. Tenteikuura (Soaring Net of the Heavens)
50% 78. 1000 Knives Torture
50% 81. Danku (Splitting Void)
50% 89. Kouchinomaru (Circle of Confinement)

20% 2. Amatsubu (Rain Drop)
20% 5. Antidote
35% 25. Bandaidification
35% 37. Masukingu no Gizensha ("Masking of the Lamb's Skin" wink NEW
50% 55. Great Barrier

20% 3. Blue Mist
20% 22. Bikan (Beautiful Sight)
20% 25. Bansoukou
35% 28. Harinezumi: Stage One
35% 29. Harinezumi: Stage Two
35% 30. Banshiissei
50% 35. Collapse
50% 46. Control Doll
50% 56. Area of Silence

Agility Techniques ;

Shunpo - Flash Step
Air Walk
Air Skate (Invented by Armagio Valtieri)
Seiten - Soul Flash (Invented by Kaitou Koizumi)
Idou Senkou - Flash Movement (Invented by Regenki Kaicho)
Senka - Flash Blossom

Support Abilities ;

Pressure Sense