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Redsonic's past
im a nobody. GOT IT?!
The War of Hearts --(part 2)
Part 2

the heartless. pure hearts with no bodys so they had to form into darkness. every nobodies goal is to get there own heart. Thats what the Organization XIII is about. Getting hearts. I want a heart. So ppl. can treat me nicely. Like my friends. the Organization XIII plan to get the biggest heart of all. Kingdom Hearts. Heart of all worlds. but there is no Kingdom Hearts. You have to make it! it takes an army of heartless to construct it. you have to kill the heartless. One by one the Organization fought the Heartless.....

When i woke up i was in a black cloak. it turned out that the Organization captured me too. they told me everything. kingdom hearts. the organizations plans. everything. so, i joined them. and they let go Amy. they told me that i had to eliminate the one thing i hated. BLADE . that was the first image that poped into my head. So, before i sought to kill him, i met this girl...Jacqueline. She talked to me about fighting Blade. I got angry and i choked her. i let her go and apoligized. she got scared and got Blade. I fought Blade. He owned me in the beginning but when i became his shadow he started losing. he went to the sun where there was no floor to sink under and i had no choose. we contiued fighting. he stunned me and sent me to the sun. i could not move. so i figured it was all over... Sonic voice appered out of nowhere:

Sonic- Come on Red! you can do better than that!

Red- ...Sonic! that you....?

Just then Blade came and stunned me more. there was no hope. i closed my eyes for a peaceful death when the picture of Blade kissing Amy poped into my head. I opened my eyes and told Blade:

Red- hey....Blade.....plz....take care of her.........

Blade- i will......

Red- thank you.....

Then all the darkness came out of me and i started to disapper into the darkness.

Back down on earth Blade returns to tell Jacqueline that i was dead. she started crying alittle. She asked if i was going to heaven. Blade anwsered that he was just gonna disappear. She asked why, "because he is a nobody"? yes. all nobody's share the same fate.

To be Contiued...

Organization XIII and the Nobodies
this is my story. why i was created. im a nobodie. not that type with the popularity and being known stuff. A nobodie. When a person dies, 2 things happen; 1. a heartless is born and 2. a "nobodie is born. When Sonic the Hedgehog died aganst the battle with Shadow ALONG time ago, i was created. I am Sonic's nobodie. Im like, half of Sonic. We share the same appearnce's except the black rings on my spikes and my skin color. Sonic is now weaker because of me. i hold half his power. Then comes the Organization XIII. They are a special group of nobodies. the strongest. Im currently on a journey looking for them, to jion there group and finally have a purpose. Nobodies DO NOT HAVE HEARTS. Nobodies cannot feel emotions. yes... i too, HAVE NO HEART. ppl hate nobodies. nobodies are usually evil in almost everyway. im not evil. im one of those nobodies who are good....and sometimes become bad.....

I met Sonic today. He said he wanted his "power" back. I had no choose. I went back to my rightful place. While I was in Sonic, I felt emotions. Somehow, i dont know how, but i escaped his body. Then, i met this girl named Amy. I dont know why but i felt love.... it was impossible! Nobodies dont feel! It was strange but I liked it. Then and there i swore that i would protect her. After that i made some friends. One day, i found this picture of my best friends named "Blade" kissing Amy. I was sad. I took a shortcut to my house by an alley when i found Amy, in a corner, CORNERED by some ppl. in black hoods. I fighted them but with only with half the power, i was no match. They took Amy. The leader of the black hooded ppl, told me that they were Organization XIII. I was shocked. * they beat me to death and left with Amy. Then Blade came and told me what happened. I died and disappered into darkness.

End of Part 1

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  • 06/25/06 to 06/18/06 (2)