Total Value: 95,448 Gold [Item Information]
Item List: Sparkling Eyes Clown Makeup Black Goth Boots - M Gothic Veil Kong Sang Scarf Holy Gauntlets Elemental Wings Glacier Ice Pants Deoxygenated Apocaripped Knit Gloves Black Web Shirt Mythrill Armor
This be Skiye. He is Taiko's Shadow. Yeah he came from the Shadow Realm to protect Labren though they have many disputes. sorry about the no avi ill get one asap but untill then u can either wait or make an avi yourself i have s**t to take care of at the moment
Age: hes only been around as long as Taiko has so no1 truly knows Height: 5ft 6in (yeah kinda short but dont piss him off cuz ull regret it) Weapons: im not done creating all of his weapons as well as everyone else's but im gettin there
Bloody Rose this large bust sword(no dont u dare think of one only as big as Cronos this ones longer and heavier) has a rose vine growing down the handle of the sword with thorns included which gave it its name bloody rose. the blade has a long and oddly durable cloth of some sort tied to it with a bow knot (kinda odd for a guy like this but oh well) no1 knos y he put it on his sword of all things but it seems to be of dynamic value to him
Hatebreed This is anothe very large and heavy buster sword (the one seen in the pic) its strength increases as the darkness and hatred in the wielders soul grows it can also feed off the despair of the surrounding people and the hatred of its victims but the effects of the ability arent something that can be used often or very long this sword is very similar to Dark Bane cuz it was forged by the same blacksmithbut this sword wasnt equipped with any technology but instead with demonic magic which is what is used to absorb and use darkness at its disposal.
Personality: Skiye is very quiet but he can get very loud cuz he has a short temper most of the time. He seems to be friendly with demons and sources of evil but he will obliterate anyone who tries to kill Labren or Taiko.
History: no1 knows where Skiye came from or how he got to this world cuz the shadow realm has been secret for thousands of years and even those who kept it secret in the beginning forgot. there isnt much of a past to Skiye in the human realm (the 4 realms are Shadow, Human, Dark(hell), and Light(heaven)) ppl often question y he is so serious about protecting Labren but not even Taiko herself knows that Skiye is her shadow (no u cant really tell cuz there isnt much of a bond between the shadow people and the humans)
eventually ill have a name for the Shadow People but it may take a little while cuz not much comes to mind at the moment oh and plz start READING the journal entries instead of just looking at the pics cuz eventually ill have character up that may look cool but u may not like him when u read about him/her so ******** read plz
srry for the very very late update but i changed a few things up but Skiye's rofile is the only one ive had to edit so if u havent read it after the edit then plz do so
Dark_Link_1993 · Sat Nov 08, 2008 @ 08:48pm · 0 Comments |