Viewing Alibis of the Heart's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


I am Sandy. I write, occasionally. I'm a total Blackjack and a CLassified. Mainly I do nothing, except for going to school. But I don't seem to be here as often as I used to now that I'm doing the whole college thing. That's really all you need to know. Want to know more? Let's chat then. I tend to like talking.

Stalk me elsewhere? Perhaps. These places seem to be where I am a lot lately.

The Tumblr:


The place where you get to see what goes inside of my head! O.o

You get to learn about me in a non-conventional way. Read what I write and think. You may get the gist or not. XD


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

XP XxDeadmua5xX

Report | 01/22/2012 12:48 pm

XP XxDeadmua5xX

nvm dont get me them
XP XxDeadmua5xX

Report | 01/21/2012 3:38 pm

XP XxDeadmua5xX

idl but si plz
XP XxDeadmua5xX

Report | 01/21/2012 1:50 pm

XP XxDeadmua5xX

Outlaw Biker Pants - Coal
lssac Clarke

Report | 01/09/2012 11:44 pm

lssac Clarke

As of now, not a lot xD But there has been a lot going on recently, with school and girlfriend and such. How've you been? College is alight?

Report | 01/07/2012 2:42 pm


You're absolutely welcome. c:

Report | 09/19/2011 6:46 pm


heya Sandy^ ^

Report | 08/26/2011 12:55 am


an earthquake happened on tuesday, a sereve thunderstorm happened yesterday and now theres talk of a hurricane hittin near DC

Report | 08/23/2011 10:15 pm


Sandy Sandy!! Oh My Gosh, HEYYYY!
seriously hey!
ok the weirdest thing happened yesterday!!!
Usagi No Zetsumei

Report | 07/08/2011 9:17 pm

Usagi No Zetsumei

nice wix <3
 -l- Sinocrassula -l-

Report | 07/07/2011 1:36 pm

-l- Sinocrassula -l-

good ^^


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