All of these pictures are old as s**t but I want to save them later. Newest pic in signature.
I'm actually smiling more than half the time:
Awesome Donators!
heart :
iShagYourFace - Pinstripe Saloon Girl Stockings
Meet in Copenhagen - Moonshine
Porno Mag - Stress Relief Candles and 500 gold!
Dramatic Gopher - Black Victorian Boots
Zero is Lovely and Lumish - Leather Victorian Boots
Baleen - Brass Raving Goggles
[Marlboro72s] - October Birthstone Crown
Lightedge - This good fellow donated another October Birthstone Crown a millsecond after the last donator did...so I will sell it to get gold for my quest...HOORAY! <3
Tyrannosaurus Sex RAWR - Gray Knitted Cap
Queen of Insomnia - Gray Knitted Cap...traded in for gold.
Judaswiege - Metro Chic Dress
prairiefaerie - Crisp White Summer Dress
Tea Party Massacres - Pig's Snout
dwar93 - 21 Shades
your mom the ninja turtle - Black Bowler Hat
Lauremony - Black Bowler Hat (traded in for gold for my quest)
TRSCP - House Bunny Outfit
RayneeDaze - KoNfuZeD PiNk SHoEz (I couldn't figure out how to thank you through a pm...but thank you!
heart )
Vomicide - Flashion Purple Star Stockings
Stoic Socialist - Dotted Party Dress
-l Nua l- - White Tangerine Dot Dress
Khismere - Young Mrs. Claus' Flirty Top
Flame Illusion - Ritzy Black Feather Fascinator
Awesome Green Ink (for the green skin) donators
heart :
[Give `em hell kid]
Purple Pod Boy
Twelve Watt
Soul Plague
Zero is Lovely and Lumish
Tyrannosaurus Sex RAWR
rarities and b-sides
The Shining Seme
Agent S
Tea Party Massacres
Ally the Wildcat
luckyninja II
Red Riding Hunter
Renaissance Period
your mom the ninja turtle
Lemon Scribbles
Projekt Nemesis
-l Nua l-
Just Tony
Scared of Life
Hypothetical Situation
If you are the person that gave me a monthly collectible a few months back please let me know so I can put you on here! I lost your info some how in the Gaia bank...
Viewing 10 of 20 comments.