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Bruki_Cuki0117's avatar

Birthday: 04/05

Occupation: under cover ninja, but shhhhhhhhh! don't tell anyone!

today i am wearing:

lip gloss and black- atreyu

the ever growing wishlist!

the quiz this time is profile!!!!! :) lol i know i take a lot of quizzes, but most are exactly right about me, and if so i put them on here for people to get a better idea of who i am :)

Your Flip Flops Say You're Idealistic

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You are hopeful and romantic. You love many people and many things.
You aren't unrealistic, but you do imagine things in the most ideal way possible.

You are a dreamer. If something exists, you've probably thought about it.
You don't think about what is, you think about what could be.

Your ideal warm weather place: Fiji

The Flip Flop Test

pretty pictures

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brendon you are so silly <3!User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image
cute is what we aim for User ImageUser ImageUser Image User Image"weeeeeeeee!!!!!!" User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image
User Image<3 eifel tower <3 User ImageirelandUser ImageUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image
- greenlandUser Image- england User Image- china User Image- egypt User Image-africa User Image- greece User Image- switzerland User Image- germany User Image- italy User ImageUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Imagetwilight is the bestest series ever!User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image User ImageUser Image User ImageUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image User Image

alright, i am finished with the twilight pictures now...

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post it note of the day

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avi art

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thank yeww kitty witch!!! ^^

This is me...

I love music, sketching, watching movies, writing, singing, and hanging out with my friends. As you can see from my fav music list, i like A LOT of bands. Those are only some of the many i love. I can enjoy pretty much anything that comes on the radio. oldies, pop, punk, rock, rap, country... if it has a beat, i'll like it. I speak fluent sarcasm and a little bit of spanish. I have a dog named macie. She is a golden- doodle. and no, i am not making that up. It is a mix between a standard poodle and a golden retreiver. She is a loveable blonde, just like me.I am the kind of person who can sit around and talk about absolutly nothing with my best friend for hours. Believe me, it has been done before. I can be a total spaz at times. If you had to survive around me for a day, some things that you would need to know are, I tell really long stories, and make a lot of faces and hand gestures while telling them. I believe that in doing so, you can make even the most boring stories bareable. As I said before, I speak fluent sarcasm and almost every other sentence that comes out of my mouth has something sarcastic in it. I hate when people call simply to tell me that they are bored. I hate roller coasters and will not allow anyone to push me onto one even if it is the end of the world. I am a tech sped (not very good with computers). I like to laugh and am very hyper when I am bored. After a long day, all I want is a hug and some ice cream. I can be a couch potato and definately a procratonator. I love the snow and hope to some day travel the world. As far as what I want to be when I grow up, don't ask me cause I don't know yet. I get distracted easily and I like mythology, chiniese symbols, all colors, to get dressed up, movies, poetry and nature. I have cpcs (constant profile changing syndrome) so if my profile backround is diffrent every other day, you'll know why. I absolutely hate when people on gaia have profiles that the general public aren't allowed to see. It eerks me. And yes I am a proud quizzaholic. XD I love getting some peace of mind with a little pretty picture attached. Also, what better way to show my personality, than to display a simple pharagraph about my results on all kinds of different things?! I only post my favorite quizzes that I feel were 100% (or very close to it) acurate about me on my profile. So, yeah. Thats me...

i am the kind of girl who will burst out laughing because of something that happened the day before.

<3 DotA- Basshunter <3

poem from the movie 10 things i hate about you...

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i took a quiz from dancer_lover435's profile...

leave me a message after the beep....beep!

View All Comments

Fallenxx3 Report | 11/02/2010 8:48 am
I haven't talked to you in a whileeee..
How is everything?
-feels hopeless- Report | 08/18/2010 11:31 am
-feels hopeless-
cool avi
Fallenxx3 Report | 03/31/2010 11:41 am
hello there.
haven't talked to you in a while surprised
how's everything?
Fallenxx3 Report | 11/13/2009 3:13 am
what's up?
Minerva the Bookwyrm Report | 11/09/2009 10:21 am
Minerva the Bookwyrm
Haven't spoken to you in a while. How have you been? I was sick with a fever. It stunk, but I'm over it now.
ToxicGlare Report | 11/03/2009 8:13 am
i follow you now!! smile i saw that you follow me!! thanks brookie!!
scriptkeeper Report | 10/29/2009 6:55 pm
Ive been great bruki =],
especially since today is my first time on in lik forever!
but how've u been, and read any good manga lately >w<
xoDarkestNightxo Report | 10/05/2009 8:32 pm
Yay! *hugs* its good to hear from you again and don't worry about it! ^^ I'm sorry your sick and I hope you get better soon and I'm really happy that this years better then last for you. Um, College is okay but I'm actually missing high school. My classes are kind of hard and I have to do a lot of group projects which I'm not fond of. Other then that I've already gotten sick once and I'm not sure if I want to drop my physcology class or not.
Fangz_and_Clawz Report | 10/03/2009 6:26 pm
haha brooke it was hilarious, you have to admit...
BUT I STILL LOVES YOU BROOKE!!!!!!!!!!! To make you feel better.........

ToxicGlare Report | 10/03/2009 5:04 pm
im sorry brookie i just dont want ot talk about it. you know im not good at explaining things but i can say that it was just a trying week and im better now thanks for being soo concerned for me!! smile

remember to...

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i love...
<3 music
<3 singing
<3 ice cream
<3 sketching
<3 writing; poetry, stories, songs...
<3 random comments
<3 my fast metabolism smile
<3 movies
<3 mythology
<3 antiques
<3 poetry
<3 art
<3 the moon
<3 nature
<3 traveling
<3 slushies
<3 hugs
<3 making inside jokes
<3 chiniese symbols
<3 snow
<3 swimming
<3 concerts
<3 being lazy smile
<3 hanging out with good friends
<3 people who make me smile

i hate...
sad roller coasters
sad ghosts
sad being a third wheel
sad people who bring out the worst in me
sad scary movies
sad nuts
sad really gory movies
sad snakes
sad spiders
sad profiles on gaia im not allowed access to
sad beans
sad people who call just to tell me they are bored
sad bees or wasps
sad left- overs
sad chores

another cool quiz... from....Bruki_Cuki0117's pro XD !

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You see life as an amazing mix of possibilities, ideas, and fascinations.
And sometimes you feel like you don't have enough time to take it all in.

You love learning. Whether you're in school or not, you're probably immersed in several subjects right now.
When you're not learning, you're busy reflecting. You think a lot about the people you know and the things you've experienced.

What's Your Word?

numb- linkin park

fav music

only some of my favs! -afi, atreyu, all american rejects, aretha franklin, the ataris, bing crosby, black eyed peas, blue october, boys like girls, brad paisley, carrie underwood, cast of rent, colbie caillat, cute is what we aim for, dido, dierks bently, eagles, evanescence, faith hill, fall out boy, fergie, finger eleven, foo fighters, the fray, gnarls barkley, goo goo dolls, green day, good charlotte, gym class heroes, hellogoodbye, hinder, HIM, ingrid michaelson, jack johnson, street light manafesto, jason mraz, jimmy buffet (blame my parents for that one), john mayer, jonas brothers, journey, josh turner, kanye west, linkin park, lynyrd skynyrd, macy gray, maroon 5, matchbox twenty, mika, mcr (my chemical romance), nickelback, no doubt, norah jones, p!nk, panic! @ the disco, paramore, plain white t's, queen, red hot chilli peppers, santana, sara bareilles, sara evans, shakira, shania twain, simple plan, stevie wonder, sugarland, sick puppies, taylor swift, teitur, the acadamy is..., tim mcgraw, train, vanessa carlton, the verve, weezer, we the kings, the wreckers, yellowcard, 3 doors down and any other good music....

i know, i know! how many quizzes is Bruki_Cuki0117 gonna take?!? but they're always right about me!!!! lol okay, this one was from Dark Rosewater's pro

You Are 26% Evil

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A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.

How Evil Are You?

my dream avis

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Total Value: 929,760 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Alruna's Rose
Beat Slim Black Shoes
Chain Link Belt
Berry Tavern Wench's Bustier
Black Pleated Tennis Skirt
Alruna's Rose 7th Gen
Alruna's Rose 7th Gen
Alruna's Rose 5th Gen
Alruna's Rose 6th Gen
User Image
Total Value: 567,239 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Beat Slim Orchid Shoes
Celestial Wrap
Celestial Wrap
Devoted Pawn
Alruna's Rose 3rd Gen
Alruna's Rose 4th Gen
Death Whisper (2nd gen)
Alruna's Rose 2nd Gen
Oculus Mythica
User Image
Total Value: 569,341 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Hermes' Moon
Yellow Solar Flare Back Tattoo
Lovely Genie Yellow Embroidered Harem Pants
Lovely Genie Double Gold Earrings
Lovely Genie Yellow Bangled Bra
Hermes' Moon
Gift of the Goddess
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)
Egyptian Gold Anklet (right)
Yellow Tribal Torso Tattoo
Yellow Tribal Right Arm Tattoo
Yellow Tribal Bottom Tattoo
Hermes' Moon
Lovely Genie Pink Headpiece
Yellow Whiskers Face Tattoo
User Image
Total Value: 119,372 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Green Lace-up Cork Sandals
Tama's Basket
Verdant Jungle Slinky Split Dress
Green Yellow Flame Spiral Arm Tattoo
User Image
Total Value: 1,380,277 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
White Nurse Skirt
Dashing Gentleman Diamond Vest
Mythrill Halo
Dove White Kachina Dancer's Wings
White Body Dye
Lovely Genie Double Silver Earrings
Holy Gauntlets
Winter Rose
Radiant Prism
User Image
Total Value: 771,869 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
White Drome Egg 2nd gen.
Mimzy Aura
Western Zodiac
Water Puddle
Elemental Hair
Blue Eye Stripe Tattoo
Blue Body Dye
Blue Ball Ornament Earrings
Inari's Beads 3rd Gen
"]User Image
Total Value: 88,642 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Jenny's Innocent Open-Toe Shoes
Silver Tiara
Silver Ball Ornament Earrings
Silver BFF Heart Chain
Pora Ice (on my head) 3rd gen.
Let it Snow
Frostbite Blade
Frostbite Blade
Frostbite Blade
Drop Dead Gorgeous Moonlight Gown
User Image
Total Value: 646,123 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Labu Necklace
Ash Hot Top
Demonic Pendant
Celebrity Date
Black Strapless Bra
Belted Pants
Beat Slim Black Shoes
User Image
Total Value: 116,043 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Jenny's Secretive Open-Toe Shoes
Natural Coral Pendant
Elegant Feathered Mask (Rose Pinions)
Long-Stem Red Rose
Labu Necklace
Elegant Red Satin Skirt
Elegant Red Satin Corset

(Raven from "Vampire Kisses" smile )
User Image
Total Value: 151,721 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Black Leather Belt
Black Shirt
Vampire's Bat Swarm
Little Black Bat
Gimpi 4th gen.
Coal Gunner Boots
Black Spider Choker
Black Goth Skirt
Black Fishnet Stockings
Black Cobweb Long Gloves

I took a quiz from Gaarafreak07's profile...

my fav poems and quotes...

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Hope by: Emily Dickinson

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me. -Anonomous

Good friends are like antiques, they grow more precious with time. -Anonomous

Don't ask for an easier life; ask to be a stronger person. -Anonomous

Some people are like slinkies. they aren't really good for anything, but it brings a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs. -Anonomous

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. -Mohandas Gandhi

"This above all: to thine own self be true".
- William Shakespeare

An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
-Mohandas Gandhi

Love is like magic
and it always will be,
For love still remains
life's sweet mystery.

Love works in ways
that are wondrous and strange
And there's nothing in life
that love cannot change!

Love can transform
the most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
and sweetness and grace.

Love is unselfish,
understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heart
and not with its mind.

Love is the answer
that everyone seeks...
Love is the language
that every heart speaks.

Love can't be bought,
it is priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic,
is life's sweet mystery! -Anonomous

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Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take,
it's the moments that take your breath away. -?

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
- ee cummings

"The course of true love never did run smooth." - Shakespeare (from A Midsummer Night's Dream)

"All is fair in love and war." -Francis Edward Smedley

User Image -?

"shoot for the moon. even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." - anonymous

Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you.
- William Arthur Ward

"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within."
- Elizabeth K. Ross

My word is one thing I can give and still keep

"Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But, if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away."
- ?

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.

"The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it."

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not my time- 3 doors down

i took yet another quiz...this time from Minerva the Bookworm's profile

Breath- Anna Nalick

<3 lyrics <3

originally, i was going to post the lyrics to the song above here. but, the song's video was kinda stupid, so i ended up choosing one with the lyrics already on it. ^__^ the artist's voice is so calming and the lyrics are beautiful, so enjoy! hope you like it as much as i do <3

Aura Quiz From... MY profile!!! :)

Your Aura is Violet

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Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world.
And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!

The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say

Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony

Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach

What Color Is Your Aura?

i know, i know...another quiz! but they're always right about me! anyway, this one was also from Minerva the bookworm's pro

You Are a Good Friend Because You're Accepting

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No matter what a friend says or does, you try your best to understand it.
And your friends feel like they can tell you anything. You don't judge.

You know that friendship is a journey - with a lot of ups and downs.
If you and a friend grow apart, you get over it quickly... and leave the potential for future friendship open.

You tend to have many friends from many walks of life. Anyone you meet is could become a friend.
In fact, you are especially interested in people who are a little different than you. Seeing life from another perspective is something you cherish.

Your friends need you most when: They can't turn to anyone else with their secrets

You really can't be friends with: Dogmatic, stubborn people

Your friendship quote: "Love is blind, but friendship closes its eyes."

What Makes You a Good Friend?

corner of moving pictures!!!!!

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i only put quizzes on my pro that had results that were right about me. this one is pretty spot on! i hope its just as accurate for you :) (oh, and this ones from my pro)

You Are the Storyteller

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You have a way with words, and you love hearing yourself talk.
You are at your best when you have an audience, and you can carry on a conversation with anyone.

You are light hearted and fun - a natural entertainer. It's a side of you that you can't really turn off.
You thrive on attention (perhaps a little too much), and you love applause.

When you allow yourself to be serious, you can be a moving and articulate speaker.
Your words have power, and not just the power to make people laugh.

What Role Do You Play?


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the heart may freeze-
or it can burn-
the pain will ease-
if i can learn-
there is no future-
there is no past-
i live this moment as my last-
theres only us-
only this-
forget regret-
or life is yours to miss-
no other road-
no other way-
no day but today-

lyrics from the song "another day" from the musical/movie RENT

ello! this is a short, easy little quiz i think you'll enjoy ( from my pro )

Your Brain is Creative

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You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.
You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.
People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.
But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination.

What Pattern Is Your Brain?

kewlest store ever (my store)

Hey! smile i always try to price things fairly and have a good variety available. if you want to nagotiate on a price, just pm me or send me a trade. thanks, and have fun shopping! smile
Come Again! razz

Oh, and by the way, i always have lots and lots extra tokens, paper, and flowers so let me know if you want to trade! ^^


View Store

this is a girlier quiz that asks about your guy prefrences (from do you say profile in spanish?...profilia? XD )

Your Toes Should Be White

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A little funky and a little fresh, you're constantly evolving your flirting style.

Your ideal guy: A witty brainiac with hottie potential

Stay away from: Overly dorky guys who become obsessed with you

What Color Should Your Toenails Be?

the ultimate question!!! buh buh buh!



Those of you that are twilight fans know exactly what i'm talking about. Which would you choose? For those of you who have no idea what twilight is, shame on you! twilight is an absolutely awesome series of books written by stephenie meyer: twilight, new moon, elcipse and breaking dawn.
i asked some of my friends the ultimate question, and here is what they said-

(waiting for thier answers...)

dancin-machine14 - edward cullen
Never-True-Ever-After909 - edward cullen
Gaarafreak07 - jacob black
Fallenxx3 - edward cullen
Araniese - edward cullen
mollyolly5 - edward cullen
varsityswimmer - edward cullen
-Isabellla Swann- edward cullen

this ones a little harder, but another good one! ^^ (from....yep! you guessed it! pro)

You Are 30% Left Brained, 70% Right Brained

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The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.

Are You Right or Left Brained?

you thought there weren't more pictures?!? ha!!! of course there are!

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still waiting- sum 41

meh guilds

T3h Movie World - Watch Movies / RP / Chat / Games / Previews

Elves on Bookshelves - The Bookcase for Fans of Fantasy, Friends, and Fun!

Polls Will Eat Me!
Lots of Polls ~ Lots of Prizes ~ Lots of Fun

my fav movies

i <3 movies; especially comidies, romance, action or a mixture of all three.10 things i hate about you, finding nemo, never been kissed, pride and prejudice,the illusionist, phantom of the opera, the perfect man, rent, the breakfast club, the wedding singer, three to tango, the devil wears prada, sixteen candles, runaway bride, you've got mail, french kiss, what a girl wants, elf, south pacific, the sound of music, a walk to remember, footloose, all 3 Pirates of the carribean movies (even though the first one was the best), the holiday, love actually, roman holiday, spanglish, moonstruck, how to lose a guy in 10 days, a knight's tale, taladaga nights, most adam sandler movies, my big fat greek wedding, the king and i, practical majic, penelope, the wedding date, sense and sensibility, and all my old disney movies.

honestly, there are probably many more, but those are all that i could recall off the top of my head. XD

pics from my fav movies to give you a better idea...

User Image -love actuallyUser Image
"mine...mine..."-finding nemoUser Image-the breakfast clubUser Image-never been kissedUser Image-sixteen candlesUser Image-footlooseUser Image-you've got mailUser ImageUser Image- Pirates of the Carribean 3 (even though the first one is soooo much better.)User Image-10 things i hate about youUser ImageUser Image-french kiss User Image-the illusionist

more pretty pictures!

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User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image User Image- i <3 shoes!User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image-pete and patrick dancingUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image[/IMG]User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image User Image User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image

yaay basshunter!
*raveraveraveraverave* ^^