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Hey Gaians, it's Hekibel! I won't disclose my age, name or gender, but I can tell you a few other things about myself. I am an avid reader and I adore fantasy books. I heartily dislike the Twilight series (I'm on the border between sickening dislike and rabid hatred) and I don't really want to hear anything about them. I enjoy books like the Chronicles of Pellinor, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and cute books like the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books. I like to write fanfictions, because it helps me get my insanity out of my system. I love to write and I aspire to be an author someday. Check out my work in the arenas, and feel free to critique my work!

I love bands like Switchfoot, Skillet, Coldplay, Death Cab for Cutie, The Fray.... Pretty much all music except for rap (sorry rap fans!).

I also like drawing, but I'm too lazy to update anything.

I'm a bit of a drama queen at times and can be very uptight (ask my friends, they'll vehemently agree). I can be very friendly and understanding, but I can also be a heartless b***h. I hate people who pop their gum and smack on their food, I also despise people who write crappy "lost and lonely teenager poems" about all their oh-so-average experiences with love and life and angst and think that they're the only ones who have ever experience it. Blech.

I'm rather eccentric (if you couldn't tell) and I love talking to random people. So feel free to say hi! heart



Hekibel's secret public diary

I write words. Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/05/2011 9:26 pm


You are SuperMegaAwesomeFoxyHot! xD

Report | 12/11/2010 8:28 pm


Thanks for your comment. The face was the same I'm using now.^^

Report | 10/08/2010 10:32 pm


I spam you page moreeee! xD Ily too!
Cliff Roger

Report | 08/10/2010 11:01 am

Cliff Roger

Thank You for Buying

Report | 03/18/2010 6:11 am


Yea they do. But thank goodness I have a really next trimester.

Report | 03/15/2010 6:12 am


Unfortunately I was not. .. though it seems so fun!! I had a hard last trimester. . .

Report | 03/13/2010 9:04 pm


O! Nothing really, I live near Canby, Oregon. That's all. SORRY If I sounded like a freak!!
Flippy flusters Flaky

Report | 02/27/2010 12:29 pm

Flippy flusters Flaky

This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.

Report | 02/07/2010 8:37 pm


Really? D:
Frankly, I can't draw to save my life.

Report | 02/07/2010 8:33 pm


And the avi art people draw?
Sometimes I wish I could draw.


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