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absol u t e x kara(:

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uhhbout mee.

thE bASiCS; Kara D., 14yrs, Taken.
i'm usually shy at first impression but depending on how comfortable i get with you, i usually loosen up in time. ^_^ i always try to learn from my mistakes and of course i'm always up for new friends. forgiving is something i try to do often. something i'm working on is being less insecure. i don't like scary movies, i don't like to hurt peoples feelings, and i don't like rude people. i love orange juice and coke, i don't like writing on myself and the only female celebrity i like is taylor swift.(:

AIM: absolutexkara
up for new frenns(:

Favorite songss:
prisoner of love-utada hikaru.angels on the moon-thrivin ivory.wanna be in the ice-dbsk.


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ThE J0URNAl 0f tRUth ANd JUStiCE!

Randomness :B




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What's more important, you're smile or mine?