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ShiningLight322's avatar

Birthday: 02/10


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Stuff 'Bout Meh!

IGN: Shininglight322
Nickname: Cheesy
Likes: Light, Kirby, Emoticons biggrin
Dislikes: Death, Humiliation
Animal: Fish, Monkey
Hobbies: Drawing random crappy pictures crying , reading, thinking about thinking, Gaia Online
TV Show: Thank God You're Here
Song: Thanks for the Memories - Fall Out Boy
Composer: Yiruma
Movie: Kung Fu Hustle
Food(s): Lemon Chicken, Ice-Cream, Cheesecakes
Sport: Squash, Tennis
Gaia Object: OMG/OMG Hat
Instrument: Piano


I am a shining light?!
I like a lotta people, and I don't really care what they look,
it's what's inside that counts! smile
I like Kirbys, Monkeys are other random things. biggrin
Cookies and Cakes are best!
Candles are a sign of light and tranquility.
(You know, I can't even see my own pics that I put in, can you? If you can't profile comment or personal message me.)

My Aquarium

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


There is always a speck of light, in any eternal darkness.


View All Comments

BitchyBitch06 Report | 09/15/2010 8:43 am
you want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!it really works!!!!!!!!!

ii b u n n y b o o h Report | 04/05/2010 7:28 pm
ii b u n n y b o o h
heyy had fun in zomg (:
kawaii-san angel Report | 05/16/2009 2:44 am
kawaii-san angel
well goodluck!
kawaii-san angel Report | 05/16/2009 2:35 am
kawaii-san angel
how r u?
hope ur doing fine..
still playing zomg?
kawaii-san angel Report | 05/06/2009 1:47 am
kawaii-san angel
ahh..xo where r u right now?
kawaii-san angel Report | 05/06/2009 1:26 am
kawaii-san angel
what do u mean??
here in gaia??
kawaii-san angel Report | 05/06/2009 1:00 am
kawaii-san angel
remember me!!??
im kawaii!
b4 i was wearing kokeshi kimono!!
how r u?

I just got

Can you find da winter snow crystal?