Viewing Tri n Rose's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


We are the avi of Rose_Spells and Triantha. We thought we could combine all our efforts together to make pretty avis since that's what we like to do! ^.^

Hi, I'm Rose_spells! I'm going to tell you a little about ourselves. We are both going to school. We live on two different sides of the country (except when Tri is out of the States D smile . Right now, Tri is a tad MIA due to being in South America. I miss her a ton, but she'll be back in December. I'm going to be returning to school in about a week, and I'll be on Gaia a heck of a lot more after that point. Well, that's all I can think of right now! biggrin Ask away any questions!

User Imageplus....User Image =

Tri n Rose! blaugh


Viewing 12 of 56 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

The Plain Old JawBreaker

Report | 08/14/2013 10:30 pm

The Plain Old JawBreaker

I'm back! I miss you Rosie and many others as well. It has been way too long and I've lost my contact info for you. pls pm me if you get this and wanna catch up. I commented on your account but i just read that you are on here more. I've missed everyone dearly, I wasn't able to find which email this account was linked with but I cracked it. Much love! JawZ
Mistress Thorn 7

Report | 05/31/2013 5:18 pm

Mistress Thorn 7

Btw, I dont think I say this already but your avi is awesome as well.
Mistress Thorn 7

Report | 05/31/2013 5:15 pm

Mistress Thorn 7

Funny the Cat Burglaress was my first luxury item I bought but I dont remember if it was the first item I wanted though? Thanks for the comment.
Mistress Thorn 7

Report | 05/27/2013 6:24 pm

Mistress Thorn 7

Love your avi!! I have the same catsuit ( Cat Burgalaress ). Its my favorite item in the gaia marketplace.

Report | 12/22/2012 7:41 am


Thanks ^^ How have you been?
Saber Blysmey

Report | 12/21/2012 12:00 pm

Saber Blysmey

You'll be stuck with me for awhile yet. d: I might be a bit scarce for awhile in a couple of days though. Matt'll be here early Monday morning. ^_^

Report | 12/12/2012 1:10 am



Report | 12/11/2012 5:28 pm


I've been super duper busy with college ^^;; I'm in my second year now, I got published last year and I'm going to present research in Boston in April

Report | 12/11/2012 12:27 am


things weren't working out? and that's a change, no more ice cream shop? surprised
Saber Blysmey

Report | 12/10/2012 7:35 pm

Saber Blysmey

Same here. 3nodding I'll be around in any case. I met my boyfriend on here. 3nodding


I want cake. I want cake now!