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crazy-ani-girl's avatar

Registered: 10/13/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/04

Dream Avi


About me

If you want to know about me, go on my fanfiction. Everything's there. biggrin

(You should read my stories too.... Just saying. biggrin )

Oh, and if you don't want to know me, then don't even bother looking here!


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It's hard to say "I love you." It's even harder to show it.


Random people


There is a hole in the bottom of the ocean. It is very big. I've seen it.

Crazy's the name Gaia's the game

Fangirl! Right here!!

♪ This is this dog. ♪
♪ This is is dog. ♪
♪ This is how dog. ♪
♪ This is to dog. ♪
♪ This is keep dog. ♪
♪ This is a dog. ♪
♪ This is dumbass dog. ♪
♪ This is busy dog. ♪
♪ This is for dog. ♪
♪ This is forty dog. ♪
♪ This is seconds dog. ♪

Now go back and read the THIRD
word in each line from the top to bottom
(BTW i didn't make this up i copied it off somewhere and i can't remember.)