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hbsurfer95's avatar

Last Login: 04/01/2009 4:47 pm

Birthday: 06/12

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Awesomelicious Musica!!!

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Hey! I'm Haley! I'm 13 years old and I'm in 8th grade.

(actually, my bday is 6/13, but i guess i accidentally typed 6/12. theres 1 example of my stupidity razz )

I'm a nerd a lot of the time (don't be fooled by my gorgeous looks!!!), but nerdy in a good way :]] like crazy-nerdy!!!
I like wakeskating and surfing (duhh...the username...), and I LOVELOVELOVE alternative music and hot guys!!! (like my neighbor Kyle teehee razz )
So...I'm really shy...and that doesn't help me out much :-/ except for this 1 guy who thinks my shy-awkwardness is cute...hes probably the only 1 anyway :-/ lucky me...
i love converse, chocolate, and music! i'm not an anime freak, but my friends are all trying to get me to cross to the dark side lol. i've only ever seen/read d. gray man and ouran high school host club, and both of them freaked me out a little haha


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B e l o v e d - A l m a Report | 04/01/2009 5:14 pm
B e l o v e d - A l m a
lolz thankies! mkay ill go check then
B e l o v e d - A l m a Report | 04/01/2009 5:03 pm
B e l o v e d - A l m a
lolz thankies! mkay ill go check then
B e l o v e d - A l m a Report | 04/01/2009 4:56 pm
B e l o v e d - A l m a
lolz thankies! mkay ill go check then
themusemelpomene Report | 03/05/2009 5:37 pm
hee hee thanx. look at my page. much new stuff
B e l o v e d - A l m a Report | 02/23/2009 7:10 pm
B e l o v e d - A l m a
haha yeah i see that. lolz
sweet sharebear Report | 02/20/2009 7:36 pm
sweet sharebear
Thanks smile
B e l o v e d - A l m a Report | 02/16/2009 12:48 pm
B e l o v e d - A l m a
come on im not THAT stupid. of course i made the connection...overheated...geez...lolz
B e l o v e d - A l m a Report | 02/16/2009 12:42 pm
B e l o v e d - A l m a
oh good lord yes i read it...IT WAS THE STUPEDIST THING ON EARTH!!! jk jk lolz it was pretty funny....BUT Y DID MY SPOT BLOW UP!? WTF!?
alicepoper Report | 02/01/2009 7:52 am
and who are you?
B e l o v e d - A l m a Report | 01/31/2009 8:24 pm
B e l o v e d - A l m a
lolz wonderfull
B e l o v e d - A l m a

ooh im michael and im smexielicious!!!

do you mind that im 1/2 naked? *wink wink*

fear me...

*smooch* gummy love <33

i know u want me...