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Roughly What I'm All About

Heyya. I'm Emily and there's not much to say about me. Not that you'd care anyway. My favorite color is grey. I love music and books, but then who doesn't? I read many different genres of books, and listen to alternative, metal, rock, some industrial, older pop songs: basically anything that sounds good. I'm open to recommendations. My life right now consists of long days and short nights.

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My Heart In Lyrics

S i g n a t u r e

''All the black is really white, if you believe it.''
~Nine Inch Nails: In This Twilight

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flashlite5000 Report | 04/23/2017 8:57 am
I saw a dj (who also plays guitar during set) this weekend and it was a really fun set, his name is Marvel Years. Noticed you like Fatboy Slim and hence you might enjoy this artist also smile
Saz de Zeon Report | 02/28/2017 7:48 pm
Saz de Zeon
strawberri manda Report | 02/27/2017 3:14 pm
strawberri manda
Thank you, so is yours. smile
Saz de Zeon Report | 01/11/2017 7:39 pm
Saz de Zeon
sidplusnancy Report | 12/23/2016 7:26 pm
I'm very sarcastic. So you said you don't have a lot of gold, I sent you a gift and labeled it "for the poor". Sorry it takes a long time to get adjusted to my humor.
sidplusnancy Report | 12/23/2016 6:45 pm
You cancel my gift to you... sad
sidplusnancy Report | 12/21/2016 8:22 pm
My name is Michelle
sidplusnancy Report | 12/21/2016 6:34 pm
LameYume Report | 12/04/2016 11:22 am
Thank you!
K-poplover44 Report | 12/01/2016 8:15 pm
no problem smile

Y l i m e e 7 3

Ylimee73's avatar

Birthday: 04/12

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Some Favorite Quotes

"What is the whole history of human life but a series of disappointments?"
~Jonathan Boucher

"Today was gonna be the day?"

"You say that money isn’t everything, but I’d like to see you live without it."

"How lovely, the paintings I keep in my mind."
~Mercy Fall

"The beast is just my fear. That I am just nothing. Now it's just what I've become. What am I waiting for? It's already done. So give me something to believe. 'Cause I am living just to breathe."
~The Bravery

"I feel like Earth's gravity is just here to pull us down."

Make no
I am
what you
made me.

See the animal in his cage that you built,
Are you sure what side you're on?
Better not look him too closely in the eye,
Are you sure what side of the glass you are on?

Just a burden in my hand.
Just an anchor on my heart.
Just a tumor in my head.
I’m in the dark.

Leaders are guilty of nothing.
They’re perfectly insane,
but if they’d point the finger
at themselves who
would be left to blame?

The rain comes and the world is on my head.
Crave the sun, but I can’t get out of bed.

I see evidence in how
you hold your head.
And I see evidence in how
you say what’s said.
I see it in your eyes
that you’ve been hypnotized.

We last because we're colorful.
As for fools, just play the opposite.