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Jaydey Dohnutz

Jaydey Dohnutz's avatar

Birthday: 12/30


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DragonDemon XIII Report | 03/21/2009 1:14 pm
DragonDemon XIII
something about choo seems veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy familiar..... :
II Cuppicakes II Report | 02/19/2009 11:17 am
II Cuppicakes II
rpssk8er Report | 02/07/2009 1:47 pm
I WANT A GRUNNY 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
linkinxparkxemox Report | 01/25/2009 9:57 am
hello jade!! will you meet me in rally highway or speedway my room xx
- I Maple Flower I - Report | 01/18/2009 2:35 pm
- I Maple Flower I -
sure ^^
i will add you XD
- I Maple Flower I - Report | 01/15/2009 6:35 pm
- I Maple Flower I -
Awwwwwww that is bad , being bullied
that is good that ur art teacher is niice
LOL u can get anything away with it ? Kewl XD

we cant. Not unless if its a subsitute teacher yes XDDDD
- I Maple Flower I - Report | 01/14/2009 5:35 pm
- I Maple Flower I -
lol yeah im quite hapy with all girls ^^

i like arts too ~ bhut the teacher o_O ..he is soo short tempered >< and maybe technology too and abit of maths XD

realy u might move school ?? ooooh i c ^^ ahh fruit baskett <3 XD
linkinxparkxemox Report | 01/14/2009 11:54 am
ERM.......... I DUNNO! hes sorta fallen out wiv me cauz i brought up bry n u told him........
linkinxparkxemox Report | 01/14/2009 11:44 am
o.o am i?? im sooooo sowii!! im not on msn anymore but im on gaia!! meet me in rally speedway my room xxx
linkinxparkxemox Report | 01/14/2009 11:37 am
jade!! dont say that!! your the best thing dat eva happened to me!! + damo! lol xx


Hi, My name is Jade but I like to spell it Jayde for some reason xD. Im a sort of random girl and can be crazy at times, None of you have ever seen me stress out and you probably wouldn't want to get on my bad side. I have two annoying sisters but what can I say I love them 8D. Erm.... I have three best friends in Rl and they are called Heather, Holly and Zoe. My friends are like my family, hurt them and I will hurt you. I'll upload a picture soon, My laptop is acting up abit so its not letting me but i'll try again when it stops acting up on me. 8D.

Im going to tell you a little bit about the people I give a [********] about!

I think i'll start with my sister Jessica, Jessica is a very weird girl. She could go around all day annoying people with her weirdness, Seriously. Shes also a very caring person. Shes never caring for me though but at the end of the day we both love each other 8D.

Next I think i'll tell you about Heather, Heather is one of my bestest friends. Shes sweet, funny, caring and crazy all at once. We'd sit there in maths laughing for no reason at all. If im upset or angry she'd ask me whats wrong and she would try and help me. I never want to lose her. You'd be glad if you had her as a friend too. Heather and I have 68 things in common. I'll name a few.
~ Emos.
~ Have the same laugh xD
~ Love the song "I hate Jimmy Page" by Mindless Self Indulgence.
~ Say things at the same time.
~ Last one im saying, Our birthdays. (It's a weird thing, Im not saying)

Next up is Holly, Holly is my second best friend. Shes caring, funny, sweet, polite and gentle. Shes like Heather, If im upset or angry she'd ask me whats wrong but the best thing about her is she listens to you and she'll try and help you with your problems. You'd love to have a friend like her.

Now i think i'll tell you about Zoe, Zoe is my third best friend. Shes sweet, caring, polite, funny, friendly towards people and much more!. She also helps me with my problems. Gosh, I don't have much to say about Zoe because shes awsome!.

The last person im going to tell you about will be Jamez, Jamez is just awsome. Hes funny, sweet and many more things. But i hate it when he gets the teddy out, Its just evil!. Hes not normally on when im on though. Dx.

Hehe, I made this for my sister Jessica. I hope she likes it, I know i do.
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Oooo. I really want this Avi. Help me please. 8D
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Total Value: 35,333 Gold, 13,000 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Were Tail
Tiny Pixie Wings
Striped Stockings
Long Drag
Were Feet
Colonial Bonnet
Eye Bandage
Dress of the Swan
Buck Teeth